Ok, I was so hoping that one team would get caught up in the haystack challenge till the wee hours of the morning, shades of a la previous season. Much to my dismay all the teams did relatively well. It was an ugly shouting match tho with brothers Sam and Dan. Go ahead Sam, you have my permission to deck your brother. Gee, nothing is so annoying as someone telling you how to find the needle in the damn haystack. Ok, you get out here and do it!! I think Meghan and Dan would be a better pair for both their whining ways. Nah, Dan bats for the other team, shucks! I would have loved to see poker girls at this challenge, which I'm sure macho Tiffany would have done it. Looks like the flag was hidden in the very middle of the bales. I knew the Globetrotters would get lucky and find their flag, no problem, as karma smiles on Little Big and his birthday.
Remind me, I must go to Sweden just to ride the Fritt Fall, now that's my kind of ride. I love the Tower of Terror at Disneyland which is especially fun, free falling in total darkness! Didn't think that Erica would have the wherewith all to find the arrow on the ground, but she did. Poor Brian, afraid of heights. Matt lets dad Gary do the bale challenge, what's up with that? Matt is such a wussie (hey any guy with pink hair is a wuss) making them the last to step on the mat. Lucky for them, this was a non-elimination stop!-Single D
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