And the winner is...
Ah come on, do you think I'd give you that information without first dishing about this last, sniff, episode? I always hate it when AR comes to an end. I'm still in travel mode, yeah like always! With the three remaining teams, Meghan and Cheyne, Team Zebra, and nagging brothers, Sam and Dan (gawd, what mother would name their sons, rhyming names?). Sam and Dan would be so bland, if not for their incessant nagging. And yeah, I don't want them to win. Team Zebra was first out of the gate when the plane landed in good ole Las Vegas. Yep, finally a destination close to home. Brian and Erika were so good in the beginning, making their way to quickly courtesy of the cabbie that knew the shortest route to Mandalay Bay. Didn't think Erika would be able to check in her attitude when she was rappelling down the hotel face first, yikes! Thought for sure Sam would heave at this point, but he did it in record time, almost passing whimpy Cheyne. When Team Zebra made it to the Love stage they had a good lead, but of course, being Team Zebra that they are, this stunt tripped them up as Ericka completely loses it and makes Brian switch places with her. Why does he listen and give in to her? I knew she was trying to keep that mama biyeetch attitude in check but it reared it's ugly head and set them behind. Their only hope was getting to the poker chip challenge which I thought they were going to do really well at, since they aced the "gold" challenge. But it was Meghan and Cheyne that took the lead, even though they didn't know the clues, to what casino is in Monaco. What is it their age or just plain stupid? When they didn't know that and especially when Sam and Dan didn't know the name of Mr. Las Vegas, Wayne Newton. Ok, I give them the benefit of the doubt, with all his plastic surgery and stuff.
In the end, I was disappointed that the last challenge was not the infamous recall test, because here's where the smart would get ahead and didn't I just say, that the two dumbest teams, were Cheyne and Meghan and Sam and Dan, so Brian and Ericka might of had a chance. But it was the fair blond team racing to place first and rightly so, since they proved to be the strongest team. Good for them, I'm just glad it wasn't Sam and Dan.-Single D
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