Jake is the new bachelor and one word-Meow! What a bod, what abs, who could pass on that which leads me to my next question, why hasn't he ever been in a serious relationship. Could Mr. Perfect, be Mr. Needy? I think that could be the relationship breaker although bachelorette Megan could be just the thing-she's way too needy and stockerish, hello shades of Shannon from Seattle Jason's bachelor days. I think Jake has a good set of girls to pick from and so far my favorite is Ashley, with her yellow gown that she ripped while trying to impress the pilot-isn't she the one that has a fear of flying?? The preview suggest a lesbo relationship occurs on the set, but wait guys, hold back that fantasy, it's just an illicit relationship with one of the bachelorettes and a male producer, shame on him for stealing Jake's dwindling pool of last rose standing wannabes. Looks like it's going to be a good season with Jake doing a lot of crying, oh come on! Cry once and get it over with, women do not like criers, believe me I'm married to one, ick!-Single D
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