Ok, so we knew from the very first episode that Michelle was a fatal attraction, scary I wannabe married so bad, I'll hunt you down type, so why didn't Jake get rid of her? I'm thinking the producers said let's give her some air time since she's so fun to watch disintegrate. What was up with her comedy stand up? I thought she might be speaking Russian, since I couldn't understand a word she said. Don't you just love Lovett? I loved him in that girl's baseball league movie, with Tom Hanks. I loved that scene where he takes a really long pee and Rosie O'Donald said, "that's some good pee!" or was that MaDonna? Well, it's bye bye Michelle, you need therapy and for heaven's sake don't go out and rent Fatal Attraction! I'm not seeing Jake with Emma, I'm just so over that bring the kid on the date thing (done that with Jason). Jake doesn't strike me as the step dad type. Maybe I've been missing the whole thing with crossed eyed Vienna (love that name!) and the other girls. I guess there has to be the girl that everyone hates and it's Vienna. She seems ok enough although somewhat borderline desperate. She did hold her own with that bungee jumping thing, poor Jake were those crocodile tears? Just didn't buy that whole, I'm so scared of heights thing. When Jake was on Ellen, he told her he fell in love with two different girls, which leads to me think, he didn't chose anyone, because he said he didn't have to chose someone??? Well, my vote is still for Ali although she's becoming possessive, did you see how she jumped all over Vienna? Isn't there a normal girl in the house?-Single D
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