Imagine the anger of not only getting eliminated from the race but to get eliminated by stupid is as stupid does, Caite and Brent Gump's one bright shining moment in u-turning the lesbians right out of the game, although the detectives lay claim by planting that seed in their minds, yeah right. Caite has hated the lesbians ever since they made that crack about her tiara. The lesbians really did have a bad attitude, although they did come up with some pretty funny sarcastic lines, but sarcasm is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get when you throw them out and in this case, eliminated!
All the teams catch up on the overnight train to Singapore. The train looked dirty and smelly, did you see the dirt on Caite's bed, gag! Team Lesbo tries to squeeze their way to the front of the train, what's up with that, did they really think the other teams would let them pass so they could be the first ones off? Not! From that point on, I was so hoping that Brent and Caite would beat them to the u-turn station.
Singapore looked hot and sweaty, but I would have done the ice cream challenge in a heart beat rather than learn how to beat a drum. That was hard especially for the cowboys who don't have a musical bone in their body. Oh my gravy, I so thought they wouldn't finish that challenge and would have to sell ice cream. How nice was it that the taxi driver for the detectives bought the last 10 ice creams so they could make their numbers. I hope they gave him a really big tip! And ice cream wedged between two slices of bread, weird, although the ice cream looked good.
Can you believe that it's down to the final four? Never thought those teams would be the ones left standing and still hoping the cowboys or the detectives win, but at this point it's any teams game since they are all about the same in terms of bubba gump-ness.-Single D
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