So it was the final three with the ousting of Brittany the lone woman survivor in the house. Go Brit! Have you noticed how Lane always talks in exclamation POINTS. Every sentence he speaks ends with an exclamation point. LIKE YEAH! For the final three part challenge it consisted of the three of them sitting on what looked like a tiny circular piece of wood that looked extremely unfriendly to "boy" parts, hanging on a rope and being slammed, drenched and pounded in order to fall off. I kept thinking if Brittany were still there, she would have so aced that challenge. Enzo once again proves that he is the weakest link known to BB and falls off after a mere 19 minutes to go inside and make himself some pizza and pasta. Hey Enzo, a half million could buy you a whole lot of pizza if he would have only stayed up there longer. After a two hour pounding, Lane takes a spill which sends Enzo and Lane to round two, identifying the morphed photos. I always love this challenge, but I was disappointed that it was a little too easy especially since Lane finished it under 45 seconds, and he's not the brightest knife in the drawer. Enzo should have not worn a penguin suit this season, he should have worn a turtle suit, the guy can't move fast to save his BB life. Hours later, ok, it was only about a minute and 1/2 later Enzo finds all the names, leaving his fate in the hands of either Hayden or Lane! If what either of them (Lane! and Hayden) are telling us in the diary room, that they will take each other, then Enzo might as well pack his bags and puff up his chest that he took third in a game in which his greatest contribution was naming the Brigade and it's members. Thank you Meow Meow.
My guess, Lane and Hayden to the final two, narrowing down who wins, probably Hayden, he's been Mr. Cool this whole time. Sorry Lane! Take your exclamation points back home.-Single D
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