I think I'm going to like this season, even tho it's once again, old versus young. And come on, when Jimmy John said he didn't want to win the million, I believed him. He's done everything, I think he just wants to play this game for the fun of it and if the old tribe votes him out then that would be a huge mistake. I think he knows strategy and people dynamic and would be good at analyzing the game. Let's face it he's won 2 Superbowls, so this must be a walk in paradise for him. He called goat girl out (Wendy, who prophetically said her husband said she would be the first one gone-never, ever let the universe hear you say that!) as the weakest link to which I was thinking come on give the girl a chance, but when she opened her mouth at tribal, I was like yeah, get her gone!
Last night's episode, I forgot it was on and when I came downstairs there was some drama about alligator shoes being filled with sand and submerged in water, NaOnka (I don't even know how to pronounce that) stealing socks and wearing them and with Fabio not even able to call her out, because she out yelled him when he looked at her crooked. Yeah he's looking at you NaWonka, whatever your name is, because he's thinking I recognize those socks, yet he's scratching his head as to why are they on your stinking feet? And if Dan's alligator shoes cost 1600.00 then why is he on the show?
I was glad that the older tribe won, which might be the only time they will since they decided to use their edge which gave them one ball over the young tribe, which fortunately they manage to win barely, thanks to Benry who can't sink a ball, someone is bad a basketball!
When loud mouth Shannon tells everyone to get Brenda out because she might have a showmance with Shannon's ally, Chase (is someone jealous there?), Brenda starts stirring everyone against Shannon. At tribal Shannon, like goat girl Wendy, couldn't keep his mouth shut and insulted every homo in New York by saying that Sash was gay being from NY, sealed his fate and was sent home. Don't people know, you go on these reality shows, you must keep your trap shut or get sent packing. Guess not!
I just hope the older tribe gives the younger tribe a run for the money, well, me being biased and all. I wish I could have been on the older tribe, seems like most of them are already half dead. I'd like to show them that 50's the new 30!-Single D
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