Will someone remind Sash that this is a game? Sash you're an idiot. So what if you have to go back on your word to Marty. IT'S A GAME! You and your band of idiots deserve to get voted off by the poor me, I'm defenseless, I don't have an idol, Marty. As Brenda said, wonder if he wins the next three challenges and he probably will. Brenda, whose side are you on anyway since you've voted to keep Marty the last three times? NaOnka, brain dead, so what if Fabio (is that his real name, really?) ate the biggest tortilla, no one was stopping you from making your sassy self another tortilla. Wouldn't that have satisfied your maniacal craving or at least keep you from pulling the stupidest move yet by stealing all the supplies? Alina, totally clueless could have worked that whole fiasco to her advantage, but instead acts like her accomplice. Clueless! What was she thinking. And Jane, god bless her, but she needs to lay low and not get noticed by Marty who is tossing malicious eyes and words her way. So what if she is the poor pitiful let's give her a million dollars sob story, hey, I don't care about that, I just like her gumption! With Marty's raging against Jane during tribal should have been a wake up call to the rest of the tribe, yet they still vote to keep abrasive Mr. Loud Mouth.-Single D
1 comment:
this is gud!!ph
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