Let's just say, Survivor can end right now. Jane is totally awesome!
Let's see, she can catch fish, she's strong, she can make fire, she has gumption, she has spirit and she's managed to outplay the others, so she is the ultimate Survivor in my book. She certainly outlasted all them young 'um on that leaning back splash immunity challenge. She almost let go but Jeff's encouragement kept her going to outlast Chase who I thought was going to win. Thanks Jeff! I didn't want Brenda to win the immunity challenge, but I didn't want her to go home either. Unfortunately by not lobbying or trying to play up to strategy, which she considered beneath her, come on girl, it's a game! She ended up going home. Curious how Sash didn't give her the immunity idol, love all those telling glances at tribal when Jeff asked about playing the immunity idol. I guess NaOnka was right that Sash wasn't going to give it to her, guess he's smarter than I thought.
I'm wondering when they are going to send Dan home? He has not done one thing in this game but limp his way through. I'm thinking they are forgetting that he's even there.
Didn't the volcano surfing look awesome! Put on bucket list!
NaOnka pulling Fabio aside during the reward lunch, now how subtle was that? NaOnka is about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. Apparently she goes wacky next week which isn't surprising, she's one step away from being committed in my book.
I'm hoping the elimination will go in this order:
Benry-he does nothing for me
Fabio-he's dumb and probably will squander the million on hair products
Purple Kelly-can we stop calling her Purple Kelly and who is she anyway?
Holly-her hair is too curly
NaOnka-keep her around for the drama, but eliminate her because she would probably give all her money to her poor relations and end up in the poor house or loony bin
Chase-I bestow second place just for his loyalty and his fondness for women of rice
and the winner......I want Jane of the Jungle to win, it will be a boost to all women over fifty plus make Marty really really Mad!-Single D
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