If there was ever a more boring opening for the Bachelor, this was it. How many times can Brad answer the same questions over and over again. Yes I have commitment issues, yes I'm afraid of relationships, yes, I'm at fault, ya da, ya da, ya da. It was such a yawner, I had to go upstairs to brush my teeth. Producers tried to create some drama by bringing back DeAnna and perky what's her name, which totally flopped. No one cares anymore. And like DeAnna's Bachelorette days were successful, not! She split with her snow boarder dude who was totally wrong for her, so she's no one to give advice. How many times can Brad say he's sorry? Now can we move on?
I thought most of the girls were just ok and what was up with miss thang and her fangs? I can't believe he kept her. So stupid!
This season looks like it's going to be boring, so I glad I just got my Direct TV installed. Whoo hoo, 300+ channels! So long Bachelor!-Single D
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