I can remember the good old days of the bachelor when there was only one crazy jealous bachelorette and she was the anomaly. This season bevy of beauts are all crazy jealous. What is up with these women? Are they all so desperate? And hey, come on, do you really think you are the only one he is kissing? If I had to be in that line up to kiss Brad, he better have some sanitizer on hand to spray that mouth of his. And what is up with his therapist? Was that part of deal, Brad and his therapist or nothing? I'm picturing Brad and his girl in bed with his therapist in the middle. I've become a softer gentler Brad. Oh gag me! And his semi high pitched voice drives me crazy. Give me a Morgan Freeman's voice any day.
Mysteriously Michelle wakes up with a black eye. Crazy wench, she probably did it to herself for sympathy. Who wakes up with a black eye? I'm sure there are plenty of girls in the house willing to stand in line to punch her in the eye.
Chantal and Brad go deep water walking and I'm like Chantal, I don't like to be in water deeper than my waist. Those diving moon suits would have given me claustrophobia. Looked like the head gear filled up with water, help I'm drowning! Of course Brad gives Chantal a rose, has he yet been able to reject a single date?
The next group date is to a radio station where they get to have some on air time with Dr. Drew and then on to a hot tub party where things get pretty heated up and I'm not talking about the hot tub. It was like frat girls gone evil. Girls crying in the hot tub, cutting in line to talk to Brad. And I am so over Ashley H. How many times does Brad have to give her encouragement and bolster her confidence. Cut her loose. She just a sniveling whining school girl.
Michelle finally gets her one on one date and do of all things, the repelling down a skyscraper stunt which of course makes them cling to each other. Remember the last bachelor, when Jake bonded with Vienna during their bungee jump. Anything involving jumping or repelling from great heights just serves to cement a bond which unfortunately turned ugly for Jake when he mistook fright for love. I hope Brad is not headed down the same ill fated path. At least with Michelle, you knew she was a crazed jealous b!tch, she just has that look about her, but Chantal? Such a pretty face but so weak on the inside. Grow a set Chantal, play with the big girls. At this point, who cares? Looks like next episode Brad takes Emily to of all places a race track. That's not nice!-Single D
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