Next stop Anguilla. How beautiful! Put on bucket list! I looked up the resort they stayed at "CusinArt", hey isn't that culinary tools? CusinArt one of the most expensive resort listings on Expedia. The beach looked amazing, the water crystal, the weather fantastic, what a romantic setting, but not if your a trio of bachelorettes vying for Brad's attention during a photo shoot for Sports Illustrated, swimsuit edition. I'm thinking they told Brad to make sure Britt is not there since she's in the negative bra size. Poor Britt, sent home because she was too much like his scrawny kid sister, but hey, she did actually do that cliff diving thing. She's braver than me. Risking life and limb, that totally looked scary, I'm surprised she managed to keep her bikini bottoms on. Actually that whole date was grueling. Sure they had a yacht at their disposal, but you had to swim to get to it! Can you say exhusting! Where's the dingy? Bye Britt, you need some more growing up to do, Brad is way too experienced for you. The perfect date was his and Emily's. Come on! your own island that you get to by helicopter? Awesome. I could have stayed on that strip of sand 4 ever!!!
Back to the mean girls, weren't you so totally shocked that he gave the rose Ashley, maybe he wanted to make her feel better since her cup don't runneth over. Speaking of runneth over, OMG Chantal, as they leave to go to the photo shoot, she says, I shouldn't have eaten so much. Got that right. Not only does her bra runneth over, her mid section doth weigh too heavily. And she has such a pretty face! Someone asks Chantel and Ashley if they will take their bras off. Ashley demurely places shells, yep that's about the size of them, while Chantel has trouble reigning in her melons. Ok, yeah I'm jealous since I'm more of the Britt size. Michelle, not liking that the girls are reveling too much of themselves, decides to ask Brad to join her in her photo shoot where they do a steamy "on the beach" scene. Brad later has regrets that he succumbed to Michelle's domineering ways again. He finally sees how controlling she is, well dud, I've been saying that all along. She's every husband's worst nightmare. At the rose ceremony, cut to the chase, he forgoes the cocktail hour because he knows exactly who he wants to send packing and he can't get rid of her fast enough, yep she freaks me out too. He tells Michelle, I'm afraid you're too much like me, well, maybe in your wild days. So bye bye Michelle, can't believe it took Brad this long to cut her loose. Sure he liked her attention, he's needy that way, but for Michelle, it seemed like more of a game. Noticed how in the limo she's not saying a word but lays on the seat in defeat, scary stalker, watch your back Brad!
Can't believe it's the hometown dates next week. He so totally needs to get rid of Chantal, she is too needy! Gawd, I can't stand her whining and crying. So you took your top off for nothing, because he gave the rose to Ashley. Paring down to the finals, Emily and Ashley.-Single D
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