Second episode did not fail to deliver chuckles and grins as wacky Phillip continues his crazy "I am a former Federal Agent", or as Rob says, "government worker-stressful". You said it and this I know first hand. I guess a career in the Federal Government leads to a retirement of craziness and this is what I have to look forward to! Phillip this time was crab hunting in his pink BVDs, what a sight, I almost expected him to have war paint on his face and pound his chest "I got one!". Rob played it cool when he told or didn't tell Phillip that it wasn't going to be him for the vote even tho Phillip lost the immunity challenge for the tribe by not being able to break the tiles. I'm wondering why they even let him do that part, why not Rob? Obvious Phillip breaks under pressure, maybe that is why he is "former"?
Snaps to Rob for being able to subtly lead his group to vote out who he wants, wondering how long that is going to last before someone rallies to get him gone.
On the other tribe, furry coat Ralph, the country bumpkin notices that Russell steals the clue out of the reward and confronts Russell loud and clear. Russell lies his way out, but no one is fooling anyone here. Ralph better watch his back because now he's on Russell's radar.
Tribal council did not fail once again. I was holding my breath to see if Phillip was going to spill State secrets as Jeff kept asking him questions, trying to trip him. Don't know if it was the best move to get rid of Matt so early in the game, hey he's trying to play the good Christian game, might have been better to get rid of his gal pal Andrea because it looks like next episode, hell hath no fury like a woman left out in the dark!
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