This is too good! Damn this is good. The best season ever and I love the redemption island twist as Francesca said to Matt when he arrives, "why are you here, I was expecting Phillip". After the night on redemption island it's a dual between them with two tribe members from each tribe to witness the challenge-Roman arena style. Andrea and Ashley from one tribe and Steve and David from Russell's tribe. Andrea shouts out to her lover boy Matt that she didn't vote him out. Whatever. The dual, make a stick long enough to grab 3 keys and unlock 3 padlocks to get through the door first. Francesca gets off to a great start and grabs two of her three keys but fumbles for the third as it is just out of her reach. I'm like why didn't she make her pole stronger and longer in the beginning? Dumb move. Matt wins and oust Frannie. David and Steve decide to tell Russell that Frannie won just to throw off whoever goes there. Back at Rob's camp, he's a little nervous that Andrea would have bonded with her soul mate, and you know that whole thing, hell hath no fury....
At camp Russell, everyone except for Russell's and his two concubines are getting tired of looking at Russell's infected puss rash. One word-Nasty! Russell lays on the mats with this arm pits exposed, yuck, I think I just barfed in my mouth! The way that Stephanie and Krista are slaves to Russell, he so reminds me of Charles Manson with that weird maniacal look to his eyes and his hynotic hold on young mindless women.
David and Steven tell the others that they need to throw the challenge in order to rid themselves of the plague known as Russell. Firefighter Julie doesn't think it's a good idea, but the tribe holds together and lose the challenge much to Russell's suspicion. Er David would never win any Oscars for that terrible show of trying to put the puzzle together, but he covers by saying "even if my hands aren't moving my brain is". David, I don't think Russell bought it.
I'm glad that Rob's team won or was given the challenge. Rob's finally wising up that he needs to find the idol and as luck would have it he sees that fat Phillip is breaking one of the canvas reward chairs and that there is a clue in it, which unfortunately doesn't help him much, like he said, it could have read there's a clue hidden somewhere.
Steven and David's strategy for the tribal is for the votes to be split between Stephanie and Russell and once it's split, then during the re vote, Russell would be voted off. Russell however is telling his concubine to try to sway old gal firefighter Julie to side with them and they will take her to the final four. Julie during this whole time looks like she's bought into it (ah the magic of editing) so during tribal, Stephanie vocally rallies for Russell, geez, why doesn't she just say, Russell you stay, I'll go, she's so brainwashed by him. The votes are split, 3 for Russell, 3 for Stephanie and 3 for Ralph, which meant Julie vote her old alliance and the second re vote, Russell whined, I've never been voted off. Well now you have-off to Redemption with ya! Ah, that was sooooo satisfying! Love it!
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