It never fails, the Q & A from the jury smacks of righteousness and indignation. Come on people, it’s a game for cripes sake. Everyone is so high and mighty, shame on you blah blah blah. Well shame on them, they are not sitting in the winner’s circle, now are they! David’s speech was the best, directed to the jury that Boston Rob deserves to win, he played the best game and even the two he brought with him said so much. He should have added, if you want a religious mystical experience, go to India, but don’t play the game of survivor. Oh BTW, glad they got rid of that whole remembering the fallen survivor comrades, although 40 days later, I have forgotten who played.
NYC, jeff probst arrives with the ballot urn and in the same shirt, like he walked from redemption island. It never ceases to amaze me how different everyone looks as they fatten up and combed their hair. Grant you looked better with those island dreds, while Matt cut his lovely Jesus locks and Natalie got her hair Brazilian straightened. Jeff reads the votes, with all ballots going to Rob except one stray vote for Phillip from Ralph who all of a sudden gets a man crush on Phillip, stoopid is as stoopid does. Wondering if Ralph got a Brazilian on his beard?
I loved it when Jeff said that in his opinion, Rob played the best game out of 22 seasons. Got that right! Guess now, Rob can add his trophy along side with his wife and hope that their children will go on to play Survivor after all it’s in their DNA.
Russell is still angry that he was voted off but when pressed by Jeff said that he would consider coming back. He might have learned a thing or two about how to play from Rob, ah then again probably not. Grant who on the island after his elimination was "cool" with that, but at the reunion show, he was holding grudges. Losing his dreds lost his cool. And yes, it's been confirmed by another Federal Agent, that Phillip was a Federal Agent, or at least she went through the Law Enforcement Academy with him. Probably got the boot since he couldn't keep it a secret that he was a secret agent.
Next season, it's off to the South Pacific and Redemption Island again. I liked the whole Redemption Island second chance, but why did it have to turn into a motel for the ejected? I'm guessing they might bring back Russell vs. Matt, the ultimate good vs. evil and will Matt end up on Redemption Island again?
As for Phillip and his chaotic ramblings, I liked him, he kept things interesting because you never knew what would come out of that specialist mouth.
All in all, a good night for Survivor and for Rob who also won Fan Favorite and the 100,000 and with that the tribe has spoken.
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