Or as it should be called the "Rachel and Brendon Show". Their fight last night took up at least 15 minutes of airtime. Do we really care about their fighting? And Rachel she pretends like she's crying but where are the tears? I was glad that she won, but she's so crazy when she doesn't get her way and goes off on the deep end. How are they going to survive marriage?
Leave it to the lovable airhead Jordan to figure out the luxury challenge and guess who the visiting star would be from 3 bars of soap and binoculars. Really, you get Baywatch out of that and David Hasselhoff? Guess she's like an idiot savant, can you say Rain Woman?
Jordan might have won the luxury challenge, but what was she thinking when she chose Kalia and Shelley to share in the luxury challenge of sharing sushi with the Hoff instead of inviting Rachel and Brandon. At least I thought she should have invited Rachel instead of Kalia.
Meanwhile, since Rachel's HOH she could have put Jordan and Jeff up for eviction instead she chickens out and puts up Dominic and Metal guy. Should be interesting to see if Dominic wins the veto.
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