It was just matter of time before Jake went home. No matter how hard he tried, his days were numbered. And I'm not understanding why everyone is letting the power couple, Kasey and Vienna sausage rule the house. Are they that dynamic a couple? Do they really have that much hold over everyone in the house? Those two deserve each other. I was madly giggling when Kasey pulls out the promise ring and gives it to miss sausage and then proceeds to sing her a made up Kasey song. I was embarrassed and I wasn't even there. He sounds like he's singing through a plastic bag making up lyrics as he went along.
I wanted Jake to stay to at least give Ericka (boobs galore) some more face time, I kinda felt bad that she was the one no one was attracted to, even Jake (when he should have thrown to paint balloon at Vienna, I think he still likes her). Even though Jake was totally faking it with Ericka to get her on his side, at least he was giving her self confidence a boost and so right now is my vote to win this thing. Meanwhile, K and V still rule the house, when are the other contestants going to wake up?
BTW, that whole synchonized swimming challenge was way too funny and the guys were outrageously good! The return of last season's winner, Dave and Natalie was a surprise, they looked fantastic, but are they still a couple? Come on, America wants to know! Natalie looked so good and that dress she was wearing was killer!
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