Next stop, San Francisco. Since I used to live there for 21 years, I'm like trying to see where they are. Ben and his sister stop to have coffee at a sidewalk cafe. I'm like where is that? The group date, Ben concocts a ski run down one of San Francisco steep streets, where residents and passerbys get an eyeful at the girls in their bikinis. Looked hot and I'm meaning weather here, not the girls in their bikinis. In all the time I have lived there, I remember it only being really hot once.
I had to laugh out loud though when Kacie B. who can't ski a lick kept falling off her skis and even ran into the hay bundles butt first. Ben should have given her a rose just for being a good sport. I was laughing my head off. They should show that clip on the Bachelor most memorable moments segment.
Brittany, you remember her, she brought her granny to the opening party to win sympathy votes, well, Ben picked her for the single date. When she found out she was chosen, she immediately got all flustered. Come on Brit, girls are dying for that single date, and you are like, well, I'm not sure? What the F? Brittany after much self doubt finally says that she is bowing out and leaving the show, which I am sure made plenty of girls happy, oh well one less Beeyach to deal with right, but what would Granny say? Making Granny go all that way to meet the Bachelor.
Ben and Miss I'm studying to become a PhD, epidomologist took a walk on the Bay Bridge, and I don't mean on the bridge up on top of the bridge. Ok, scary! That took guts I have to say. The stunts are getting more and more daring, what is this fear factor? Ok give that girl a rose I say!
The surprise guest star this evening and who stole the show, the mysterious girl driving up from looks like Tracy? Modesto? Chantal! You know, Chantal, girl that grooms dead people? Apparently she is crushing on Ben from last season and wants to meet him. When she walks into the rose ceremony, it was hysterical, you could hear the jaws hitting the floor. Let the claws come out! Chantal tells Ben, that she had to come out to meet him because what if she didn't, then she would wonder the rest of her life. Well, she's going to have to wonder, since Ben whom I'm guessing didn't want to rock the rose ceremony and sent Chantal packing (did she even unpack?). Poor Chantal, how humilating getting the reject button so fast. But Ben did the right thing sending her home.
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