I think this episode should have had the disclaimer that "No animals were harmed in the making of this episode!" Chickens and goats, the little goats or are they lambs, were so cute. Gramps stuffed his chicken in the net sack like a bundle of old rags. I thought they might eat the chickens at the end of the challenge, but no chicken dinner awaited. I think each of the contestants should have donned the tribal outfits for more effect, but the dancing proved to be the funniest part of this episode. Can you say wooden for TK and Rachel, come on, will someone light a fire beneath their feet! They do everything in slow mo and dumb as mud at the panning for gold challenge! I thought that challenge would have been hard, but everyone seemed to find the nuggets quickly-what a gold mine! I definitely would have tried to put nuggets in my pockets!
Azzaria is starting to show his controlling, uptight side and it's not too pretty, goodness, can't a girl take a pee?
I didn't quite understand the goat market, goats and tires? What those two things have in common is beyond me. I'm hoping next that the blondes get lost, get a flat tire, not make a flight, lose their money, and anything else that might surprise the wayward traveler. Doing a UTurn on Jason and Lorena was just plain mean. Jason and Lorena were my favorite team, soft spoken and serene. Sorry to see them go! My next team to be eliminated would be the blondes, reap what you sow! 4 backpacks!

Single D
Everyone made it look pretty easy getting those chickens in the bags, I probably would have been chasing them around all day! I liked it when TK named their chicken Phil because they had the same hair! The dancing was the best part of this episode. Jennifer, former dancer with the LA Clippers, making the only change in the dance was a quarter turn! No wonder all they heard was crickets when they finished. No creativity at all and from a dancer no less. I thought Ron and Christina should have been given their clue just for the entertainment value, but alas, they got a 10 minute penalty in stead. Talk about a dance for Kynt and Vyxsin! Kynt was swinging those poles like they were nun chucks. You go Kynt! As for the blondes, they SO looked like they were doing a pole dance. It worked for them, the judges gave them their clue. There is no accounting for taste. I'm down on them anyway for giving a UTurn to Jason and Lorena. I really thought the karma fairy was going to give them a visit on the bicycle challenge when Shanna had trouble loading her bike. But they pulled it out and got ahead of TK and Rachel, darn! What was up with Jennifer telling Phil that some people have had their time coming in first and they should let others have a chance. It's a race sweetheart, get over it!
I am also hoping the blondes will come in last next week. I give this episode 4 backpacks for the dancing!
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