The tribe won't have James to kick around any more. They successfully blindsided him and voted him out. To say he was shocked is an understatement. He had TWO immunity idols. He should have played one since he only had two more chances to use them anyway! There's that karma again. It's only because of Todd that he had them in the first place and he didn't share, karma, karma, karma! At least he won't have to "hold those fruitloops together" anymore.
Unless she gets immunity, I still think Peih Gee is going to go, the woman just doesn't know when to shut it! I give this episode 3 coconuts for the marital arts demo. Double D

OMG! Dumb, dumb, dumb James, how many times can you roll the dice, didn't the other tribal council teach you anything? Your name was and has been written down, that should have sent up the warning flags. I'm NOT feeling any sympathy for you, you should have use one of the idols-my goodness, you had two, what were you waiting for? What is the motto to these reality shows-trust no one!
The trip to the Shaolin Temple was an awesome reward and who knew that Denise had all that in her? I would never in a million years guessed that Denise was fluent in the marital arts, although some of the Chinese children looked scared watching her. Looks like the marital artist were the original hip hoppers of ancient times. What must it have been like to sleep in a temple-at any other time, sleeping on a mat on a bare floor would be less than desirable, but in a temple, it's pure luxury!
When Peih Gee, Eric and Denise made it back to camp, the others looked like wet rats in a hole-did someone say cookies? Were they chocolate? Gee, what must it be like, starving, wet, cold and exhausted and then to hear the word cookies! I think that might have been my breaking point! Amanda is getting on my last nerve, with her backstabbing. Amanda is doing alot of manipulating-so I'm hoping she will be the next to go! Four coconuts for the visit to the temple-Nirvana!-Single D

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