There were so many tense moments in the first part of this episode when the teams were trying to book their flights to Lithuania, but in the end as usual, they all caught up to each. Will someone stuff a sock into Mr. Miagi's mouth, poor Christina, she wins the daughter of the year prize for putting up with her mouthy dad, has she ever said one bad thing about him? And the next time I travel, I'm going Goth, because they seem to get along well with people in foreign countries, people take a liking to them, maybe it's the pink. They did feel right at home at the Festival, because as Kynt said, they love to play dress up (aren't they dressed up already??).
When I think of Nick, I think-Goofy, he should be wearing a Goofy suit at Disneyland, if it weren't for Gramps, I'm thinking he would have been long gone. Nick and Gramps should be thankful that the ticket agent didn't put them on a flight to Greenland, as it was she put them on the later flight-jeez, if you're trying to screw over the other teams, don't say it out loud!
Who knew that Lithuania is the land of gnomes! I'm definitely going there on my next vacation, any place endeared by gnomes is my kind of place. I think Jennifer and Nathan are done as a couple, what a screaming shrew, there's no taming there. I really did want the Goths to place first, that Travelocity prize of Japan, would make the Goths feel right at home with their Kabuki makeup and their punk Japanese look-they would blend right in! I think Jennifer and Nathan will be the next team eliminated, they aren't the poster couple for Match.Com! Bye, bye blondes-karma's a bear! 3 backpacks! -Single D

The claws came out as soon as this episode started. Nobody was giving up a computer. I think Jennifer was looking up recipes rather than let anyone else get that computer. How long were those people going to wait for a computer to find out if the ticket office was open? Good going Christina for going to the office itself (duh!). I think that was the only time I heard dad actually give her a complement. And the karma fairy strikes again! This time with Nick and gramps. Did he think telling the ticket agent not to book anyone else on that flight within earshot of those same people would win him brownie points? Funny how the ticket agent all of a sudden couldn't speak English! Hey gramps, lose Nick you'll get further! What was up with Kynt and that accent in Lithuania?
The festival looked like fun! I would have had to stay and play awhile. Looked like Kynt and Vyxsin wanted to stay and play, they fit right in. The more Jennifer yelled at Nate the more the characters bothered her. Remember Jen, Miss Manners says, don't tell someone not to talk to you then turn around ask them a question. Oh, and when they answer, don't yell at them for talking to you! Good for Nate for changing challenges. I am really getting tired of hearing about Ronald and his hernia. Go get it fixed and your attitude too while you're at it! I'm really like the Goths. They are just being themselves and seem genuinely surprised at how people in other countries react (or not) to them. They are my faves to win the race! Well at least Jennifer got her wish from last week, that someone else came in first, just not her! This race is full of karma! I'm booting out Ronald and Christina next only because I think his hernia will burst.
I also give 3 backpacks for the gnomes! Double D

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