To my pleasure, Nate and Jen are still fighting! At least now Nate is fighting back.
The speed bump was perfect for the Goths, posing and performance art all in one. But as dumb luck would have it they u turned the wrong team-come on guys-which is the team you love to hate-Nate and Jen of course. If only they would have u turned them, they would still have been in the race. What bad luck and timing.
Hum, flowers or posters-I knew Tk and Rachel would pick flowers-they are hippy children after all. I had to laugh tho, w
hen Jen finished making the lei, she tried to give it to an elephant? Come on Jen, it said give it to the brides groom-not an elephant!

At the poster challenge, father Ron was rearing his ugly head again and poor Christina had to set him straight. She did a great job on straightening the Bollywood poster-go girl!
I was so hoping that Kynt would out run Jen in the cannister challenge, especially when she forgot the receipts taped on the doors-but Kynt messed that up as well. In the end-much to my disappointment they came in last. Kynt and Vyxsin did manage to pink their way into my heart, I wanted them to win, but it was truely a Bollywood moment when Vyxsin said on the elimination mat as she and Kynt gazed off in the distance, "as long as Kynt is in my life, the adventure will never end"-sigh! fade to black. Four backpacks!-Single D

Everyone looked like they were having fun riding the rickshaws around town. Especially the goths when they commented how it was painted black on the inside and Vyxsin said, "it's cozy like being in a coffin". Why doesn't that surprise me?
Good for Christina for getting the poster pasted despite father Ron. I hope after this is done, she just kicks him to the curb! He keeps saying he's going to change, haven't seen it yet buddy! A little comic relief was going on at the flower stringing. On the one hand you have Rachel & TK almost Zen like in their stringing and right next to them, our fateful fighters Nick & Jen bickering away. They always hate each other until they do something good then they love each other again, how romantic. I was hoping the elephant would eat their flowers and they would have to start over.
What was father Ron thinking when he offered to do the canister thing? Did his hernia go away? Maybe he thought he could illicit sympathy from Christina if his hernia burst. I thought it was great when Kynt "forgot" to close the elevator door for Jen. I just love when that girl goes ballistic. Too bad she didn't get the speed bump yoga, she could use a little down time.

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