I had to laugh when Kit picked out the Kit Kat bars and wore a wrapper like a badge. For me 5 minutes to grab all the candy I could-one word-Heaven! I'd probably be sampling along the way, sort of like Lucy in the candy factory.
When they returned to Parsons, I had to cry when Christian (he reminds me of a male Paris Hilton) unwrapped
all the peanut butter cups and threw, yes you heard me right, threw OUT the peanut butter cups because he just wanted to use the paper holders they were in. Sweet creation, did you have to throw away the candy? Christian so thought he was going to win this challenge, he kept prancing around like a silky terrier. You don't win when you throw the candy away-Sacrilege!
I think most of the designers lived up to the challenge and really came up with some delicious designs, especially Jillian. I really
think she should have won, not only creating a design from the stuff found at the store, but to use actual candy, that twizzler skirt was brilliant-sassy and edible all at once.
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, Elisa tells the watching public, that she was hit by a car, I think she said it as a pedestrian accident and cracked her head open which left her in a coma. Well, that explains it. Now we know. In the end, Elisa design, that concoction of brown velvet and silver (as Michael Kors said) shower cap sleeves was disastrous. Auf Wiedersehen Elisa-somewhere there's a place for you, just not on Project Runway.
Oh, one more thing, Victorya, stick to designing and let your model doing the runway walking, you made her look like a frozen mannequin with her awkward, stiff walk, I think she knows how to do the cat walk, she is a model after all. -Single D

Hiedi told everyone they would have to be up and ready at 6am the following morning. Ok, so why did Tim have to wake them up? Why the girls were so freaked out over Tim seeing them in their 'jammies is beyond me, doesn't he bat for the other team? Christian's hair looked the same when they left as when he first got up (I know, I have a hair thing!). The biker chick in SweetPea showed up when as they were leaving, she let out a very unlady like belch, nice going!

At the Hershey's store, yummo!, the representative sounded like she was reading from cue cards, very stiff and fake inflection, she probably thought she sounded sincere. I just wonder if she thought they were going to trash the store like they did, clean up isle 3! I was cracking up at Jillian trying to carry all of her goodies and ended up putting her suspenders around a pillow, great thinking under pressure.

Did anyone else see Chris hugging the giant bottle of Hershey's Syrup? Just stick a straw in it Chris!

So now we know why Elisa is the way she is, cracked skull and a coma, no wonder she seems like she's from another planet. She obviously lost a few brain cells from that accident. Glad you recovered from that one and I hope you got a BIG settlement from whoever hit you!
I too, was jaw-slacked, wide-eyed and aghast when Christian threw away the Reese's Cups. NNNOOO!!!! I would have dived face first into THAT pile! Where was Chris during this senseless slaughter, I would have thought he, at least, would have saved a few Reese's Cups! Christian was the first one finished with his dress and started offering advise to the others. He may have meant well but would
you listen to a competitor? Plus the fact that he has been on the bottom three a couple of times. I love how Kevin said he was going to "off" Christian. I'm sure more than a few people would like to see that, or help.

When Tim comes in and offers
his advise, you should really listen! He told Victorya basically to lose the ruffles and did she listen? NO! Where did it get her? The bottom three! Check that ego at the door missy, Tim is there to help! What was up with that model's walk? She would have fit right in with a marching band, knees up and top stiff. And

poor Sweet Pea, she had to start over and Tim said her dress looked like a coffee filter or a maxi pad. Which is it Tim, there is a
world of difference between those two! I won't ever look at a coffee filter the same.

At least Jillian made her outfit out of actual candy. What an imagination! It was cute (see photo and single D's comments above) and, in my opinion, should have won. And, judging by the look on her face, she thought she should have won also. Ricky's dress looked like a giant Hershey's Kiss and, finally, Chris made an elegant, wearable dress. Too bad, since the judges were actually expecting something from him resembling a parade float!

In the end, it was Rami who won the challenge. His dress was pretty inventive using the wrappers to make a pleated skirt and a fun top. We say goodbye to Elisa, not sorry to see her go myself. I'm giving Christian a thimbles down for throwing away the Reese's Cups but the episode was a fun one so it gets a well deserved thimbles up!
Double D
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