I guess after 37 days I would be craving anything that wasn’t limes or Asian pears, and pizza, beer and brownies would taste extremely good! I knew Amanda was going to win the final reward challenge, but Todd did try to give it his all. And aw come on Denise, I guess she was never good at puzzles and jeez, leave the big baggy top on-I had that oh yuck moment when she went swimming! The final walk to remember the others that went before is always a yawner to me. By the time they make their final destination, I’m almost comatose. The balancing act with the china did perk me up tho, (I love all things china-dishes), and I did find it amusing that Courtney looked crooked, but her plates were straight. And another aw come on Denise moment, you could have held on longer even though your hand was dripping sweat! It meant a million dollars!
Amanda was dumb to take Todd with her to the final three-since when has it been the final three? I liked it better when it was just two in the finale, I like it when the final immunity winner gets to pick the one they want at the finale, it creates more intrigue. Everyone knows that the jury always votes for the one that was the biggest player, the one that lied the most, backstabbed the most, schemed the most and that was Todd.
Todd say thank you to Amanda. I loved it when Peih Gee called out Amanda’s doe eyes. Her eyes were doey! Amanda should feel guilty-she did give Denise her word that she had her back and would not write her name down, maybe she meant write her last name?
When the scene moved to the live audience, I was wondering who are those people? Everyone looked so different, especially Courtney. I think she looks much better with out the heavy makeup and the long bangs, she looked practically chubby! Hey Todd, what up with that almost Elvis hair or are you growing a mullet like Denise. I loved it when Jeff ask Denise about her mullet, her explanation was that her work required her to have short hair, but she also wanted to keep it long in the back to be a woman for her husband-anyway you look at it, you look like a man woman with a mullet. Besides didn’t you say you got fired from your school lunch lady job-so get a haircut! I guess Courtney said it best that Denise-you suck at life-getting fired meant you now have to work as a janitor (at the same school?)-Go get a job at Wal-Mart or something-I think they pay the same! After the dust settled, all I can say is I really didn’t care who won this season, which came and went so fast. I was only rooting for James, and when he played his dumb, I trust you guys and got voted off, I didn’t feel any allegiance to anyone else. I’m glad that he won $100,000 as America’s favorite Survivor. Now maybe he can stop digging graves. Oh one last thing, Jeff Probst looked HOT!!! Five coconuts!-Single D

I've been rooting for Amanda since James was so stupid and didn't play even ONE of his immunity idols. I thought sure she would get an attack of conscience and vote with Denise to oust Todd. I don't feel sorry for either one because they both had their chance to get rid of him.
I'm going to jump straight to the final tribal. Talk about lame questions! At least Jamie tried to start a little trouble by asking Amanda, Courtney and Todd to talk about the worst of the other finalists. It didn't work though, it was one big love fest. All James wanted to know was if Courtney had fun. What kind of question is that?! It was a priceless moment when Todd actually left Jean-Robert speechless by telling him he had to vote him off because Jean-Robert was his biggest threat. Then we find out later Todd was still playing Jean-Robert.
It's also fun to see what everyone looks like cleaned up and filled out. I almost didn't recognise Courtney. She certainly put to rest any fear that she has an eating problem but those bangs could use a trimming. It looked like Amanda's hands and arms were the only thing that gained weight on her and, with that hair style, it looks like Todd secretly wants to be a hair dresser. So now we know that Jamie and Erik are dating and, thanks to an uncharacteristic question from Jeff Probst, we also know that Erik is still a virgin. Then again, Erik strikes me as a gentleman and wouldn't tell on national TV that he Jamie did the deed. Congrats to James for winning the $100,000 popularity contest. Hopefully he will be the one to come back for the favorites vs fans Survivor, that looks like fun!
Denise wins the sob story of the year. Her school wouldn't giver her lunch lady job back, but hey you can scrub toilets on the night shift because you are too much of a distraction for the kids. How do you distract a kid from lunch? Something else is up with that. Shame on
that school! But on the bright side, Denise you can do something with your hair now! She looked more like a truck driven' butch sitting on the jury. Would someone please give this woman a makeover? Tim Gunn, Oprah, Queer Eye guys anybody?
Congrats to Todd for taking home a cool million. And, yes, I totally, completely, absolutely agree with Single D, Jeff Probst is a hottie. Until season 16, five coconuts!

Double D

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