What a fabulous reward going to the Great Wall. I didn't think Courtney could even pull back the bow, her skinny little arms might break, but she did manage to hit other peoples' targets. I'm wondering if that was planned, she kept hitting Todd's and Denise's targets, or was her aim just bad? How bad could it be, if she made contact with the other's boards? At least Courtney felt pity on Peih Gee and gave her one solitary arrow. I did feel a twinge of sympathy for Peih Gee and was almost taken in by her earnest veiled attempt to win over Amanda and Denise. When Denise won the reward challenge, did she have to say, not Peih Gee, I don't want her to get strong. Hello, does Peih Gee have Asian pears stuffed in her ears-she can hear you! Good Grief and wa wa wa, Peih Gee, you shouldn't take it personally when someone doesn't chose you to go on the reward with them, just because you chose them for one. The game of Survivor doesn't work that way.

Double D
I thought Todd on the flight made such a good flight attendant, oh yeah, he is one! Being at the Great Wall didn't seem to faze any of them. They were all consumed by how to eat their supper. I think it was pretty easy-take the meat and vegetables and cook it in the pot-do you think there is a fully staffed kitchen at the Great Wall? For it's limitations, I thought that was pretty inventive to be able to have dinner outside in the mist of one of the world's great treasures.
I can't believe that we are coming to the end of this seasons Survivor. I never thought Denise would be one of the last one's standing. She has managed to fly below the radar and just has plain dumb luck. She's definitely not great at winning challenges (1) and one by default, and if the others don't watch out she could take the whole thing. I'm betting on the long shot Denise to win an
d if she does
, Denise
please th
row away that flesh colored sports bra thingy, as Double D said, it's just plain wrong, take a trip to Victoria's Secret with your winnings!-Single D

Todd and Courtney must have taken Chinese bow shooting lessons before going on Survivor. Courtney was just a little too good at hitting Denise and Todd. She must have figured if I can't get my own target, I'll help someone else win and they will take me along on the reward. Good thinking #2 pencil (who by the way, is looking more like the pencil lead instead of the whole pencil!). I did love it when Denise only got 2 arrows and ends up winning the reward. Peih-Gee getting only one arrow started the whole Peih-Gee pity party. Poor me, I never win anything, I took Denise on a phat reward, I work the hardest at camp, I have had to fight the hardest to stay here, me me me, wah wah wah! Get over yourself!
What a wonderful reward to go the Great Wall of China! Denise seemed to be the only one to appreciate being there. You would think after 30 some days of basically starving, they would not complain about the food. Come on people, what's so hard to figure out fondue! Apparently, Denise had made beef sandwiches on the plane to take back to Amanda and Peih-Gee, but Todd ate them. Nice Todd, you can't even give a measly sandwich to your "Amanda love".
Just when you think Peih-Gee and Amanda have bonded, they all turn around and vote out Peih-Gee. Denise, you are stupid to think these people are going to keep you around any longer. Kudos for making it to the final four but you are out next if you don't win immunity! Those two arrows should have made you sit up and take notice!
At tribal, who would think there were so many ways a person could roll their eyes, Courtney. And what was up with that neck thing Todd had going on? That must have been his, you should have gotten rid of me when you had the chance, dance! I would love to see Denise win but I really think they will vote her out followed by Amanda which will leave Todd and Courtney for the final two. Four coconut episode for the Great Wall visit.
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