Tila Tequila-Shot at Love
When it comes to guilty pleasure, it’s Tila Tequila. I didn’t know what it was about as I channeled surfed only giving MTV a momentary pause when one day, I stopped on MTV, my 10 year old daughter piped in “Oh that’s Tila Tequella”, she’s bisexual, she likes boys AND girls!” (emphasis on AND). Of course I quickly changed the channel, no daughter of mine was going to get her sex education from MTV! But of course, several channel surfing moments in the future, I happened upon it again, this time everyone was wrestling in a pool of chocolate, who wouldn’t stop to look at that? It’s like watching a train wreck. Guys and girls mixing it up for the affections of a self confessed Bisexual. I almost felt like I was breaking some kind of law, watching Tila, I felt like I should take the TV into the closet so no one would hear!
Nothing is as good as watching two females taking
whacks at each other-catfight, a country bumpkin guy named Ashley, shouting “Tileeeeeela, Tileeeeeela!” and then kicking a planter because he got eliminated, only to break his foot and to be rushed to the hospital, and when asked what happened by the doctor, he replies, it was a woman, in which the doctor replies, they’ll do that to you!
Nothing is as good as Domenico in his rhinestone thong and his cute Italian accent, looking for a girl to bring home to mama in Italy-that’s a one spicy meatball! I laughed hysterically, when Amanda took Dani (the man girl) to shop for clothes, and when she tried on the girl clothes, looked like
WWF wrestler in a dress! Nothing was funnier than Bobby dressed in Amanda’s skin tight dress dancing in high heels, giving drag queens something to aspire to, or eating bulls’ organs to prove his love.
In the end, I predict that Tila will pick the man girl, Dani, the butch one of the crowd, and as Tila said, I have never been attracted to that type, but hey, she’s thinking, I have the best of both worlds, that is, if you can stand Dani in a bathing suit-ugh! I bet if she didn’t have that dimple in her cheek, she’d be history. I am of
course rooting for Bobby, he’s so uncultivated, unsophisticated, unpolished, so puppy like, Tila could teach him the ways of the world-the world's your oyster Bobby, arf! What's your reality TV guilty pleasure?-Single D
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