I was going to make a not so nice remark about how Jack's nose looked eerily similar to Michael Jackson's nose 10 plastic surgery nose jobs previous, but I won't, because I did feel sympathy when he had to leave the show due to a staph infection in his nose. Yes, I said in his nose, I never thought you could get it there. It did look very unpleasant and uncomfortable. I think he was very talented and it's a shame we will not be able to see what he could have done. Maybe, he will be on Project Runway 5.
Double D
Meanwhile, it's hard enough to design something for the everyday women and make it look good, let alone having to design something out of their castoff big person outfit. Kudos for losing the weight ladies, but honey, ya'll have super bad taste in clothes! And what's with that bride gown, I could see why she didn't want to keep it for sentimental value, it was so hideous! Come on Jillian, the rules were, take the fat suit and create something beautiful the everyday woman could wear. Instead, you didn't even use the outfit, you bought material and made a new dress and added a touch of piping from the old clothes. If I were a judge, I would have eliminated you, at least the others tried to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. My favorite outfit was that yellow, bustier thing designed by Kevin, very cute! I didn't think Steven's old lady maid's dress was so bad, so what, it was black and white, so what it looked matronly, at least it could double as a maid's outfit, practical and retrofitted! I think it was much
better than Victorya's or Chris (sorry Chris. but that bow, she looked like a Christmas present) or Elisa,what was all those puffy layers about? So Goodbye Steven, I think the show could use your funny antedotes, but that is not to be. I'm still on fence about Christian-so he my vote on the next eliminated. Thimbles up! -Single D
I was sorry to see Jack leave. I too would have liked to see what else he could do. But, as they all said, his health was more important. Hopefully they will find some way of bringing him back.

Ok, so back to the others....Chris M., the young Fred Flintstone look-a-like, is back and still having costume flashbacks. What was with that outfit? I liked the top and the skirt would have been fine except for that hideous bow! Chris you have been around Elisa too long.
Speaking of alien, I mean Elisa, did she even listen to Tim when he told her to design for your client, listen to your client. Obviously, she has a hearing problem. The moment her "model" walked out you could tell that outfit was so wrong on her. Not only was the dress bad, but it was more suited for a 20 something not a 40 something, especially with those boots, ugh! You could tell the judges were choosing their words trying not to insult the poor woman who, by the way, said she loved the dress. Again, I think she was trying to be nice to Elisa.
Loved Kevin's outfit! It was by far the cutest and his "model" was looking all sassy strutting down the runway in it. And why not? She looked fabulous. I did like Christain's also. He loves his jackets. At least this time he "made it work", even with a client who said she only wears jeans with a top and she only wears black. Black seemed to match her mood and personality no wonder that's all she wears. As for Jillian, I liked the dress but HELLO, the challenge was to make something out of the old outfit. I thought sure she would be disqualified for not adhering to the rules. Guess they like the outfit enough to override the rules.

I feel bad for Steve, he cracks me up with his little commentaries. I'm going to miss him. He did have the worst of the lot with that wedding dress. I think I would have tried to make some sort of summery cocktail dress with a splash of color and minus that big-ass bow. His dress wasn't the worst, Elisa's was, not that I would wear it. It just looked, as single D said, matronly and as the judges said, a french maid going to a funeral. In the end, I would have kept Steve and kicked Elisa to the curb or back to her happy planet. Thimbles up for all of the (weight) losers!
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