Well, I guess when they say Bonanza, it means some of the kids will get the BIG Bonanza, a gold star worth $50.000 dollars!!! The finale to Kid Nation was a disappointment. It was like reading a good book that deflates at the end. It was like the producers of Kid Nation sat around in their
executive chairs and said "What would be a Big Finish?" I know, we'll give 3 gold stars worth fifty grand, that should make the series look good and complete the end. I thought the finale lacked substance and imagination. To let the council chose three individuals to give 3 gold stars to was anti-climatic. Why should they chose again, why not let the entire town vote for the top 3 since getting a gold star in the first place did not eliminate you as a recipient for another gold star. I think winning a $20,000 gold star should have barred you from getting another one. Why not create a challenge where all the kids could compete for a gold star, that would have been much m
ore interesting and fair.
Instead, they give one to Sofia, not hat she didn't deserve it, she worked really hard, but $70,000 harder than the other kids? That sends the message to the other kids, that they were not as good, not as smart, not as strong, not as liked to be given a gold star. I think the producers should have thought of a way to give every child that participated a gold star worth some amount of money, no matter if it was $2,000 or $20,000. They gave $150,000 away-divide that by 40 kids and each one would have gotten $3,750.00 each-now that would have been nice for everyone and everyone wins! Shame on you Kid Nation! Shame on you CBS! I know the producers have a sequel already planned for Kid Nation titled "Kid Nation 2, Where Are They Now-Ten Years Later". -Single D
Setting the job board on fire while the kids were asleep, not very responsible CBS. At least the kids tried to put the fire out. Especially my man Jared with his cup of water! Jared, you are a future rocket scientist my friend, but a firefighter you are not! Once the kids found out they were done with work, let the rioting begin! And riot they did, trashing all and taking everything that wasn't nailed down. I didn't think it was possible for kids to eat that much candy! Is there such a thing as a sugar hangover? Taylor stayed true to her bad diva self to the end. Her and her cronies telling Emily, "we love you, but get out! You can hang around us tomorrow." Taylor actually preferred having the chickens spend the last night in their bunk over Emily. I hope those chickens pooped all over their stuff!

Then there was the tear jerker reunion with the parents. I tried to get a glimpse of Taylor's parents. I think the producers figured they better not show them. Must be to head off all of the hate mail and child rearing specialists Taylor's parents would get had CBS shown them. I'll bet the neighbors are having quite the giggle. All this time I thought a 10 year old boy couldn't get dirty enough. Apparently they can, when one of them asked his mother if she brought socks and underwear.

The very end was anti climatic. I was waiting for the host to announce that one of the $50,000 gold stars would be split up among all of the kids. I agree that the town should have voted for the recipient of those stars. The producers got it wrong th

is time!
What should have been a BIG tear jerker moment when the kids were saying goodbye turned into a, "well it's been real, see ya" moment. What happened to all of the "you're my BFF" and "I'll never forget you" and "you are like my sister"? I think most of them forgot each other's name before they got in the car to go home. All but Sophia and Michael who made the talk show circuit to promote the show!
All in all, an interesting show. It lets you see what kids are capable of and how they handle different personalities. Like I've said in previous posts, I had to remind myself they are just kids. Now they can go back to being those kids. One last thing, Taylor, learn some manners and respect!
Double D
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