Gee, life is a Hollywood ending! An English bachelor comes calling and ends up with the American Dream and a Hollywood ending, but more on that later. Matt takes his remaining two women, Chelsea and Shayne to London to meet his parents, Trish and Tony and his brother, Simon. Sorry Simon, but Matt inherited the good looks in the family. Matt comes from your typical English stock, prim and proper parents, living in the typical English house you might expect, old English furniture and large paintings with gold gilt frames. Matt takes Chelsea for a ride on the Eye. When I was in London, that wasn't even built yet. Chelsea goes to meet Matt's parents for dinner at their house. Simon remarks on how pretty she is. To me it seems that Chelsea is trying really hard to impress Matt's parents, a little too hard. Matt's mom seems so nice and down to earth. I was wondering where dad Tony was during this, he just disappeared.
The next day, Matt meets Shayne and takes her on a double decker bus ride to see the sights of London. Shayne's outfit is very cute. Snaps! Shayne is amazed at London and says it looks like it's out of the movies. For someone being raised in a Hollywood family, she has done very little traveling. My daughter has more flier miles than she does! At first Simon said that he didn't think she was the right match for Matt, but then after talking with her, he thought her very mature
and nice. Our blondie showed her confidence and maturity and held up to the scrunity of the meet the parents. The only time Matt's dad said anything was when Matt asked his family which one they liked better and he said Shayne. Go pops!

Back in Barbados and the Hilton, there's that Hilton sign again, the girls have one last date with Matt. Chelsea gives Matt a present, a cooler bag with cereal and surf board wax, not very romantic if you ask me. Just goes to show how there's not the warm and fuzzy vibe between them! She says
it's for breakfast in bed. If I'm having breakfast in bed it better be croissants, scones, jelly and cappuccinos! And the wax is to teach Matt how to surf when he comes to California. Chelsea tells Matt that she's falling in love with him, but during their whole time together, she just seems so awkward and clumsy in the relationship and there's absolutely no chemistry there. Unlike Shayne, who seems so utterly at ease with Matt, gripping onto him like a baby chimp. Shayne and Matt's last date is para sailing which looked like so much fun. Shayne tells Matt "see what I do for you"!

Shayne's present to Matt is two frames with pictures of herself writing "I love you" in the sand. Now that's romantic! Matt still doesn't give us any hints of whom he's choosing, telling each one of them that he is falling in love with them. Is he allowed to say the "L" word?
Matt chooses t
he Tacori diamond ring, absolutely beautiful. He was holding it while standing on the balcony over the ocean, I was afraid he would drop it in the ocean! yikes!

I always get so nervous when the limos pull up, nervously pacing...which one will be the first one, like that would tell me which one he picks? Of course I'm hoping Shayne wins. The votes on our blog show the most votes cast for Shayne! Looks like America agrees. Out of the first limo is Chelsea, in a long flowing Grecian style dress. She goes to Matt and he shows no sign of nervousness. He gives her the customary, I think you're wonderful speech and then drops the but.....I've fallen in love with someone else! I was so ecstatic! There is a God after all!
Chelsea is crushed but manages to keep her composure until for one split second she blurted out "You picked the most falsest one!". Matt shot back "if you think I did, then you don't know me! "
In the next limo, Shayne makes her way to Matt, wearing a billowy yellow chiffon cocktail dress with her hair in a up swept duo and long bangs. I'm wondering if those diamond bracelets both ladies had on were real? Shayne meets Matt and he proceeds to tell her that she is amazing and that he has loved every second that they had together and then he drops to one knee as Shayne cries "Matt, Matt!" I could weep! It was so romantic! He says "Monkey, will you marry me?" It was just the perfect Hollywood ending with a montage of their bachelor journey. In the end, this season of London Calling was just perfect. I hope Matt and Shayne will be able to keep it going, but knowing the rate of breakup, that might be hard. Shayne's last word to him was "Matt, you have to promise me not to look at any other women, because you have looked at too many women during our relationship." Very funny! I'm just wondering if Shayne will be willing to give up her acting career for Matt and move to London? That's the big question mark in that ending, nonetheless, it was simply jolly well perfect! -Single D
It's the final two in London to meet the parents. Chelsea goes first and Matt takes her up in the London Eye. Not your typical ferris wheel with its stand up, glass enclosed gondolas with an amazing view. That would have been one of my "face my fear" things that Matt finds so sexy. On to Matt's parents house. Matt's brother Simon looked so serious until he tells Chelsea if she moves to England she will have to bring her Wellies. Matt's "mum" does all the grilling on Chelsea while his father was not very much a part of the picture. All I can say is Matt's family is obviously well-to-do with a huge house in London. Unless it's all staged and they really live in a two room flat in London's ghetto.
Next up is Shayne. He takes her to Hyde Park and on a double decker bus tour around the city. At the house bro Simon wasn't real sure about Shayne but she really warmed up to them and them to her. Matt's father asks Shayne how old she is to which she responded 12. I think she had them in the palm of her hand after that.
After Shayne leaves, Matt sits with his family to get their reaction to the two women. Mum & dad like Shayne saying she seems the more genuine of the two while Simon likes Chelsea. I say Simon wants Matt to pick Chelsea so he can have a crack at Shayne!
It's back to Barbados for one last date before the big rose ceremony. Matt takes Chelsea on a helicopter tour which ends up on a secluded beach. Chelsea looks like she finally has loosened up a bit and is actually having fun with Matt. She gives Matt a California Survival Kit consisting of cereal for breakfast in bed, surf wax because she wants to teach him to surf and a map for all of their travels. I thought it was clever, maybe not so romantic but clever.
Matt is still calling Shayne monkey, apparently because she clings to him as a monkey would. Matt takes her parasailing with her squealing all the way. Later, Shayne gives him a present of pictures of her writing I love you in the sand saying this is the most important present you will ever get from me. What no more imagination? After telling her she is the warmest, most genuine person he has ever met, she looks up, while rubbing her eyes and asks "did you like my present?" Now I like Shayne but, in that moment, she looked every bit a child being put to bed by a doting guardian.
At the rose ceremony, Chelsea arrives first all hopeful but gets the "I'm sorry but" speech from Matt. My heart went out to her because she did take so long to open up. I just hope she doesn't shut herself off from finding someone who can love her for herself.
Come on, didn't we all know it was going to be Shayne? Young, gorgeous, potential movie income what red blooded man wouldn't go for that? So Matt asks "monkey" to marry him to which she happily agrees.
As they stare into the sunset, we look forward to the Bachelorette next week! Double D
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