DeAnna and her first three bachelors to share the mansion, Jeremy, Jesse and Rich (first impression roses) while the other poor fools have to live dorm style with bunk beds and outside showers. Yes, outside showers, no privacy there. The first group date is to LA's Magic Castle. The place looked like so much fun, the place where magicians gather and I suppose swap magic secrets. The first trick was the disappearing box, where DeAnna chooses Jason to accompany her. Into the box they go and poof, disappear, much to the disliking of the rest of the group. Jason pours his heart out to DeAnna but is unable to bring himself to tell her about his 3 year old son. How much of a lead does one need. He kept saying the time wasn't right. It's never right when there's kids involve. Spill, spill! Back in the salon, DeAnna is forced to watch the guys perform their own magic tricks. Some of them will need some magic to cover up their lame performances, like the twit Twilly, who instead of performing magic decided to do a 10 hr. one man play. Yawn, will some one wake me up when this is over, was the look on DeAnna's face. I thought that big goof, Richard making her an origami flower was very sweet. Paul from Canada must have really worked some magic on DeAnna, because she ended up giving him the date rose. She fell for that, I'm the youngest one here, 23, and I so know what I want in life ....gag me!

Back at the house, it's Graham that snags the single date. We all knew that was going to happen, since DeAnna is all but panting for him. As she said herself, "Graham is smoking hot!" Frankly, I just don't see it, I guess you have to be there. Their date is to the beach where they weakly attempt to fly a kite. After kite flying, DeAnna gets down to the serious language of why are you here and have you been in love before stuff. He tells her he has only been in love once before. DeAnna acts surprised by this and is concerned that he's only had that experience. Gee, how many affairs of the heart does she expect? The body language between the both of them looked so frozen and awkward, but I guess the bonfire lit something under DeAnna. Back at the house Graham kisses and tells and the guys are jealous. I thought it was funny when Ryan told the guys that he's still a virgin at 28, noticed how the room came to a screeching halt. Ok, I'm all for that finding the right one, but at 28 you might as get over it and just go for it or you'll end up like some 40 yr old virgin.

The next group date is to Dodger Stadium where they all meet with Tommy Lasorda. He reminds me of a fatter version of my dad. Hi Dad! I'm thinking the cutest one of that group date is Brian. Jeremy wins the most home runs hit and get quality alone time with DeAnna. I loved it how Lasorda got all frustrated with the guy's hitting, no matter what advice he gave t
hem, they just swung at the ball when they wanted. Lasorda was so charming and spirited. I just love him! Jeremy tells DeAnna that both is parents are dead, which hits home with DeAnna, Now we know she's been through the same thing, but did she have to give him another rose? Come on, spread the wealth or in this case roses and give some other poor sap a chance. I think that just wasn't fair and the rest of the guys weren't too happy. But not to worry, because lunch is served, hot dogs and wine. Hey, where's the beer?
I loved the pale blue gown DeAnna wore to the rose ceremony. Three previous roses given out to Jeremy, Paul and Graham. Jeremy still tries to monopolize DeAnna's time. I guess he's going to be the Robin of this season. Jeremy better be careful or I might start to dislike him. Meanwhile, it's goodbye to Eric, quit the Greek talk, Chris and Ryan (the virgin). Ryan one word, don't save it, it's too late in the game. Maybe if you had sex you could have wooed DeAnna better. Sorry to see ya go. In this stage of the game, I'm getting a crush on Brian and have a soft spot for Jason, single dad. -Single D
OK, we all know DeAnna got jilted by Brad. Are we going to be subjected to the history at the start of every episode? Enough is enough, it's a new show and speaking of which.........I love it, 3 guys each week sharing the mansion with DeAnna while the rest stay in the guest house which has bunk beds complete with cowboy sheets and outdoor shower. Apparently the shower doesn't have hot water prompting Graham to comment that there will be a lot of shrinkage! To me, it looks like the perfect bachelor pad.

DeAnna asks the guys to perform their own magic tricks, that was ballsy. Knowing the guys I do, they would offer to pull a banana out of their pocket. Some had the usual card tricks but Twilly went WAY over board acting out an entire theatrical skit. I hope she made up her mind right then that he is out! Geeky science teacher Richard gets a big AWE by creating a paper flower for DeAnna, Ryan professes his faith and Paul tells DeAnna even though he is young he knows he is ready for marriage and kids which earns him a rose.
The first one on one date is with Graham. To the beach they go and try to fly kites. Graham tells DeAnna he has had only one relationship causing her to rethink her choice then turns around and gives him a rose. I guess the beach will do that to you. Meanwhile back at the bachelor pad, Ryan drops the "V" bomb and Jason drops the kid bomb. No one really had anything to say about Ryan being a virgin, but I'll bet they were thinking all kinds of things! I guess Twilly realized what a twit he made of himself at the Magic Castle and hid out in the bushes like some deranged rabbit waiting for DeAnna to come back from her date all so he could tell her about his serious side. What about that stalker side Twilly?

Before the rose ceremony, Twilly gets DeAnna alone when Jeremy comes in and steals her away. Come on dude, you have two roses give the girl, and the other guys, a break! Jeremy is getting on everyone's nerves since he does have two roses and not letting anyone else get alone time. That's ok, it's either a good game plan or he will start to get on DeAnna's nerves as well and then he'll be out. Before she gives out the roses, the guys start posturing like Peacocks and end up doing pushups. As they dropped out, it came down to Jesse and Brian. Go Brian! Brian dropped out at 97 pushups and Jesse would have kept going but the others picked him up at 99 and said that's enough and he gets some alone time with DeAnna.
DeAnna sends home Erik the Greek who still thinks he is all that and Chris who thinks he is all that and more. Ryan took it a little better. Looks like he'll stay a virgin a little longer. I too think Brian is a looker, tall, handsome, muscles to next week, hubba, hubba! I just hope he turns out to be a nice guys too, if so, I've made my pick! Double D
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