I made a promise to watch Ice Road Truckers. I watched the premier for this season and was not impressed. It starts out showing the road getting built with one of the snow plow drivers, when asked what he thinks when he hears the ice cracking says, he turns up the stereo and rolls up the windows so he can't hear it. Now there's an idea. I guess it's a case of what you don't hear can't open up and swallow you and your plow!
Then there are the drivers. The show focus's on four drivers, two work for one company and two work for another. They all know each other and it's pretty much a bash fest. Even the super religious Alex gets in on the bashing saying that some of us are less blessed than others. At least he puts it nicely(?). Alex also has 11 kids so now we know what he does in the off season! As they give the short bios on the drivers, we meet Drew who goes off by himself to contemplate his navel. What ever gets you through the day.

1 comment:
Should have watched a couple of reruns from last season, however, the drivers that returned from last season aren't my favorites. Alex grows on you, but all Drew wanted last year was to get out of the godforsaken nort. Can't believe the idiot came back. Rick is also a whiner and quit before the end of last season. Should have brought back the two younger ones from last season. Don't know if I'll stick w/ it either.
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