Tila Tequila-Shot at Love # 2-Home Dates
Ok, I must live in a completely conservative world. In my world mothers are mothers and fathers are fathers. Not in the world of Tila. This episode features the four home dates to meet the parents of her would be partners. First it's a stop to Bobby's house. I missed the first 5 minutes but when I came in, it looked like a tame dinner with your run of the mill family. Did I mention Bo's mother is Bi? Hey what's up with those hoop earring's Bo was wearing, maybe he's not so straight as I thought. Next it's on to Yonkers, isn't that where Hello Dolly is from? Kristi takes Tila ice skating and then to her parents house, where we get to meet her parents, brother and aunt. Her aunt is...yep you g
uessed it, Bi! After dinner, Kristi's dad puts on some music and guess what, it's Tila singing. Tila gets her grind on with Kristi's brother giving him, she says a woody! Ya think, he's all of what 17? Tila gives the aunt a lap dance much to the aunt's pleasure. Wait, this is tame to what's coming! Next it's on to Brittany's house in San Diego, where they meet up at OB. Yep, I recognized the street! Brittany has gotten all of Tila's favorite foods, fried chicken, fried rice, grape soda and Texas pickles. At the dinner it's Brittany's best friend, her roomie and her dad whom she finally met when she was 16. Her dad is pretty hip but manages to get embarrassed when Tila starts sucking on the Texas pickles and licking the pickle juice off her arm. Gads, now I know why guys like her, that girl's got talent! Brittany's roomie, who looked all of 18 was looking with longing at Tila. He's going to need a cold shower! The last date is to Jersey's big stately family home, somewhere in New Jersey. Now ya think Jeremy, although brash and obnoxious, his family would be somewhat the conservative Jewish family, not! In fact, I had to watch most of this segment with my hands over my eyes! I was cringing. It started out tame enough with Jeremy's father, stepmother, mom, step dad, and brother, who looks like an older replica of Jersey, at the family dinner table. Tila comments on how young and attractive the mothers are. She really knows how to work a crowd and asks the mothers to show off their assets,
which was like watching a hypnotist work her magic as they obediently comply with her request. For the sake of the viewing audience MTV had pictures of shot glasses (big ones) covering you know what! Jersey and brother were beside themselves and had to cover their eyes. I mean it's their mothers for heaven sake! The fathers meanwhile were totally amused. I think they do the wife swapping thing! Next Tila asks the mothers to kiss and I mean, OMG, they do it! Can you say, ick! No wonder Jersey is all screwed up! Next it's an after dinner romp in the the hot tub passing Tila around like she was the dessert, after all Jersey's father says, it's all in the family. We taught Jeremy to share! Gads! As Tila says leaving it was like attending a porn convention, and we all know she knows a lot about that! I would definitely have to say that the tamest home date was Brittany's, after all what's a little pickle juice among family?
Back at the mansion, all four compare notes on how their dates went and each one thinks they have it sewn up except for Brittany's and you know why, no shock value. Night of elimination, Tila dashes the hopes of one more. Bobby and Kristi get the first two keys so it's between Brittany and Jersey for the last one. I don't know if Tila saw Jersey flipping off Bo when he got his key, but Tila curtly says to Jersey, "You're not my type, your shot at love has ended." And with that, Jersey knocks over the key holder, breaks something else and storms out of the mansion. I think he even called Tila the "s" word too. I'm just wondering why she kept him so long? Maybe the producers told her she'd get extra $$ to keep him? No doubt. Anyway, down to three and this is eerily like the first season, two women and one guy. Is Bo the next Bobby? Careful Bo, word had it that she dumped Bobby right after the show, wouldn't take his calls, poor sap, he supposedly even posted that on his my space page. She used him and then threw him away. Only one word for a girl like that, and I don't think I want to say it on my blog!-Single D
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