As we see the house guests come in and hear their taped comments, I can already see potential head butting. So many people who think they are all that in one house and you can be sure the fireworks won't be far behind.

Before they enter the house or even speak to each other, the house guests have to elect an HOH. What a twist! As we find out later, they end up electing Jerry, a 75 year old great-grandfather. Yeah, that's a safe bet. During the introductions, Michelle says she is 28 but looks more like 38. Renny, from New Orleans in a total nut case and will be annoying. I think someone must have accused April of having a boob job but she was very proud of them even letting everyone feel them. I thought sure Jerry was going to have to have mouth to mouth after that.

The first challenge is a food challenge. House guests split into two teams and have to pile into upside down VWs which are suspended on a track, pull the VW down the "road", pick up gas cans and deposit them on the other end. One house guest gets kicked out of the VW for each circuit. The last one left in the VW wins a classic car. Sweet! It comes down to Memphis doing rock, paper, scissors with Stephen. They tie and when it was evident that Memphis wouldn't give up, Stephen jumps out leaving Memphis the winner of a '69 Camaro.

Muscle head Jesse goes to bed early and gets awakened by Renny who apparently can't get her door opened. She keeps screeching, "it's locked, it won't open!" and running around laughing, at least I think it was laughter, who knows with that one. Jesse gets up all mad 'cause he isn't getting his beauty sleep, he needs it! Jesse is all wanting to trash talk Renny to her face but she keeps saying she's sorry but he isn't having any of it to which Renny offers to give him her cotton balls since he doesn't have any. It's instant hate between these two.
Having made an early alliance between himself, Dan and Ollie (sounds like an old kid's show), Brian goes to Jerry and tells him he should put up Jesse & Renny. Jerry says he likes Jesse and that he would go bananas if he is put up but does it anyway. Ummm. Double D
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