Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ghost Hunters International - New Zealand & England

We start out at the Wellington City, New Zealand Opera house where the architect, Albert Liddy, committed suicide and apparently is still hanging around. Why kill yourself if you're going to keep coming back? I don't think the benefits are any better.
Andy, Brian & Dustin go into the catwalk to do EVP work. While Brian is provoking the spirit of Albert to make an appearance, takes a picture of a black mass. In the balcony, Donna talks to the spirits and sees flashes of light. Donna is so sweet, she even asks the spirits if they have are comfortable in their seats before she continues.
After all of their work, all the team gets is a woman's voice whispering "no" in response to the question, did you just make that noise. Rob says there is paranormal activity but not haunted.
Next is Gloucestershire, England and the Woodchester Mansion. We find out that Donna has to leave Europe due to having Crohn's disease. The story of the mansion is that while it was being built, the workers were spooked by something so badly that they dropped their tools, left the job and never came back. Sightings include full body apparitions, voices, blue lights, black clouds and the spirit of a dog in the basement. Sounds like a lot!
The team sets up and Rob goes to the basement, puts down an EMF detector and asks the spirits to show themselves and the EMF goes off. Rob then asks is the spirit wants to talk and the EMF goes off again. Rob brings Barry down who asks the spirit to show itself and they hear a loud bang.
Brian and Andy see the blue lights in different parts of the mansion. During the review, they here what sounds like a dog growling from the tape taken in the basement. Another tape yields a tin whistle sound and on video they catch one of the blue lights. Even Andy got excited on this one. Rob seems more conservative this season and does not declare a haunting, only paranormal activity. Hope you are feeling better soon Donna! Double D

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