Amazing Race-Dimwits in Brazil
There are three teams that are emerging in my book as the front runners for the title of teams you love to hate. First ones-Terence and Sarah, mostly him. Girl lose the jerk quick! He's demanding, needy and just downright obnoxious. Even when she tries to talk to another team he considers it a betrayal. What is she going to do in real life, never speak to another human again? I secretly loved it when Terence got them lost looking for the taxi stand. Shall we buy some ice cream he says? The other team, who else? Tina and ex hubby Ken. Now I know why they divorced each other, neither one is a prize, maybe they really do deserve each other. Tina was getting on my
last nerve when she had to tell the entire country of Brazil that she was responsible for the airline getting a larger plane. Yep, I just said, supersize it! I loved it when Terence said, yeah right! Third place goes to the snotty nose brother and sister team of Nick and Starr. He wins this distinction for telling nerdie boy Andrew that he would be back to help him (at the wall) but then dashes off. I know it's a race but don't promise what you can't keep. Nick reminds of the bratty jock kid in high school who always picked a fight with the geeks on the playground. The surprise team of this episode was the adult nerd herd of Mark and Bill. I kept thinking, oh no not the container challenge, that has got to be like finding a needle in a haystack. Mark and Bill rulers supreme of the computer make quick time on the computer's database to find the serial number to the container they needed to find. Now I'm thinking, this is where they will get hopelessly behind, not! They managed to find the container and the clue and were actually the first ones done with the challenge and in a taxi on their way to their next stop. Nerds rule the world or at least in this case Brazil. One team that managed to live up to their image of ditsy ding dongs, were Kelly and Christy. I'm wondering how much time did they really waste trying to find a container in the sand after they finished the challenge of beach it? Um, hello! You need to go back to class and take Reading Clues 101.
The Miss Congeniality team was the mother-son team of Dallas and Toni, snap! When all the taxis were whizzing by poor pathetically lost Terence and Sarah, I was like don't you dare stop! When Dallas stopped his cab, I thou
ght he was going to share the ride, but didn't whew! At least he told them where they were supposed to pick up their cab. That was so nice, he's such a good boy!
Unfortunately Anthony and Step were eliminated. They really didn't seemed to be in any hurry. Come on guys, this is a race for a cool million. When Anthony tried pushing the cab to pop the clutch, I would have been in another cab racing for the next stop without him. And when he was at the wall to find the clue, he should have make quick work of it but he kept scratching his head and like everyone else making it much more difficult than it really was. I guess no one speaks Spanish, because the clue was the next place they would be going. Guess no one knew what cuidad was? Isn't Spanish 101 a requirement to graduate from high school? Well, at least Anthony felt like he can appreciate his life more after seeing the poverty in Brazil. He says, I have my health, my family, my girlfriend, and my good shoulda left the good looks part out!-Single D
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