Ok can I say one thing about GC. I was really rooting for the kid, but he brought his ghetto self to Gabon, instead of his survivor self. At first I knew where he was coming from not wanting to be the leader and all, but to act like he just doesn't give a damn about anyone else really puts a big target on his back. He needs to lay low, especially since he's about as useful as Gillian was on the challenges.

The reward challenge is to have one from each tribe hold on to a pole for dear life while the opposite tribe try to pull them off and drag them to the finish line. I thought for sure the Fong tribe would lose again especially when GC gave up trying to pry Ace off the pole. Who could blame him though. Looked like Ace was striking his yoga pose and in a state of meditation during the whole thing while holding on with an iron grip. Round two Ace chooses Paloma to pole sit. I wonder what his motivation was for that since she weighs all of 90 pounds? Crystal and Randy attack her with single minded determination and easily removed her from her post. Round three Fong is finally using it's brain choosing Crystal and Matty to do the pulling. If GC would have been up there, they surely would have lost. It was a much needed victory for the Fong tribe and took little time deciding who to send to exile island why Sugar of course. Ok, I'm thinking Sugar is your typical Bimbo, but I have to take back everything bad I thought about her. While on exile island, she manages to battle ants, forge through the woods, dig in a sandy crater and wade through scary water to eventually find the hidden immunity idol. Good job, now if she can only keep that to herself.
The immunity challenge involved a slip slide. Hey, lately it seems the slip slide is popular with reality show challenges. There was a slip slide challenge on the Biggest Loser. Ok let's be honest, seeing fat people propel down a long slip slide was hysterical. Weight times mass equals alot of speed, so when they propelled themselves down they were going so fast I thou
ght they were going to land on the freeway below!

The survivor slip slide challenge was not that funny and again the Fong tribe finds themselves behind Kota. Surely, the nutty professor could figure out the riddle to solve the code, but the gamer managed to come from behind and crack the code first. Good job. I really did want Kota to go to tribal council, they need to be humbled. Of course Sugar couldn't keep the secret that she found the hidden idol to Ace. Poor little Paloma, she didn't take the course on how to make friends and keep yourself off the block lesson and was snuffed out at Tribal Council. -
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