Amazing Race by far is my favorite reality show. Not a lot of drama or backstabbing, I just love the traveling part of it. I love to travel and I live vicariously though the teams . Even the theme music to Amazing Race gets my blood racing. Yes, I know my life is so dull! I think some travel agency should create trips & stunts that mimic the race's route and if I had enough money, I would definitely sign up. I would love to do the show, but I'm afraid that we would be casted as the token old team :( and you know what usually happens to them, like in last night's premiere.
Last night's opener did not fail, as it caught me up the moment Phil said safe racing and the teams hopped into their Mercedes Benz. From the beginning I am rooting for the mother son team, Toni and Dallas. I'm a sap for grown children that are close to their mamas and he seems like such a nice young man. I'm wondering if he likes older, fat, neurotic women? Have I got a sister-in-law for him! At the airport, why did brother and sister, Aja and Ty who were the front runners get in a line that wasn't marked like the clue said? Listen here, read the clue and follow the directions. That is one thing that will trip you up every time, or getting lost or a cabbie that doesn't know where he's going. Haven't you learned anything? Six teams manage to catch the first plane out to Salvador Brazil with Aja and Ty getting on board. And another thing, why did Nick and Starr create an alliance with divorced couple Tina and Ken? Seems like creating an alliance would be like adding dead weight or extra baggage to your load. Although Nick and Starr did finish first, maybe Ken and Tina should stick with them. My guess is that Ken and Tina will be the team to hate this season, we'll see!
The first
challenge, Barista of old school, was pretty tame. I'm wondering how the bees got in front of the mother son team? At the end of the challenge, each team got a rest stop, camping under mosquito netting. The hippy bee keepers were probably feeling right at home there. Terence of newly dating Terence and Sarah, seems a bit needy as he got all bent when Sarah was socializing at camp. She needs to talk to me not make friends! Ah Sarah, I would rethink the relationship! Besides she doesn't need him, she speaks Portuguese!

The next day challenges were either to scale down cargo netting or climb up stairs on hands and knees to the cathedral. I'm wondering if that Escudaria do Passo Church was the model used for the one in Macao? And any challenge involving the words scale down or climb up, er, I'm thinking climb down! I just knew the question to the nerds that were the only team to climb up would be how many steps there were. Why didn't they count? I was counting and I wasn't even there. The double picture is the one we took in Macao, Hong Kong. Yep that's Andy on the stairs and he didn't even climb it on his hands and knees.
In the end, the beekeepers didn't get the honey as they slowly walked up to the pit stop and were the first to
be eliminated. When my daughter came in the room she said, yuck, what's up with all that hair? I'm like ya, I know, just a massive swirl of grey hair, but it was all so appropriate what with that grey hair, tie dye and Oregon beekeepers stuff, truly a match made in hippy heaven. -Single D

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