The Buffalo Central Terminal in, where else, Buffalo, NY is the site of this week's investigation. Closed in 1979, the terminal is currently undergoing renovations. The are alot of reports of activity here including a phantom water cooler with people standing around. It's nice to know we can carry on our water cooler talks in the after life! The head of the building committee, Tracy, gives the team a tour. I have only one thing to say to Tracy, foundation garments! You know you are going to be on national TV wouldn't you wear a bra? Tracy tells the TAPS team that a man named Tony Fidely (not sure about the spelling of the last name) who loved the place so much that he bought it and lived in an apartment on the 3rd floor until he died.
Back to the investigation. It's a cloudy rainy night which makes the terminal that much creepier. On the 3rd floor, J & G hear voices and footsteps. They set up the thermal camera and a tape recorder leave both to catch whatever they can. They come back a little later to investigate Tony's apartment and they hear a voice which was also audible on TV then Jason sees a shadow and both think it's not friendly. They then go into a room off the main concourse to do EVP and K2 work and find themselves "chatting" with a woman who is waiting for someone to arrive by train. Apparently she thinks it's the 1940's. She's been waiting a long time!
Steve and Tango do EVP work in the rotunda room. I liked how Tango tried to dust off one of the steps before he sat down. I don't think it helped. Meanwhile, J & G are watching the monitors when they hear a man yell from the vicinity of the set up thermal cam and recorder. Grant runs to get the tape and hears an eerie voice saying "go home".
During the review, the team hears the "go home" voice loud and clear. They also pick up another voice saying what appears to be "bring back the girls". Maybe they are hanging around that water cooler. They also pick up a figure on the thermal cam in the area of the water cooler.
J & G tell Tracy there seems to be a great deal of paranormal activity in the terminal but stop short of saying it is haunted. I'm going to visit the water cooler now. Double D
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