Amazing Race-March to Russia
Only four teams left:
9:21 pm-Nick and Starr
10:47 Dallas and Toni
11:17-Ken and Tina
12:41 Dan and Andrew
All board the same flight to Moscow, Russia with Dan and Andrew at the airport buying shoes because they stupidly left their shoes at the costume store. They looked really silly walking around the airport in the hotel slippers! Laurel and Hardy, Barney and Andy, Miss Piggy and Kermit, who would be Miss Piggy? I'm thinking Andrew?
Arriving in Russia they catch cabs to a monastery where they will receive their next clue, however, taking cabs in Russia looks daunting and worst than Almaty. The detour is boots or borscht. Marching in military boots or serving borscht to a military army of 75. Nick and Starr for the first time have bad luck in catching the cabs from Hell. All teams chose boots and Dallas and Toni make it to the detour first, with Tina and Ken on their heels. Tina looked right at home in that military garb, that suited her militaristic style of traveling. Andrew for some reason doesn't know how to wrap cloth around his feet and both decide to do the borscht which they remove their uniforms only to find out that they needed to stay dressed. So once back in the uniforms they decide might as well do the march. Now come on, Dan can't march. At first I'm like, he's got to be kidding. No one is that uncoordinated! Wrong, Dan is. He can't march to save his life. Even the Russian army were having a good laugh. At work we were all marching like Dan, with Jeffie making the perfect Dan impression. What a klutz, Dan not Jeff! Andrew and Dan then decide to do the ladling of borscht, because that doesn't require coordination. Meanwhile, Nick and Starr have finally arrived to the detour and Starr tells her cab driver to take a hike since he got them lost in Russia. Of course when they finish their detour there isn't a cab to be found anywhere. Not a good leg for these two, but you knew their luck would have to run out sometime. Next challenge is to load 50, 50lb sacks of flour into a bakery. Looked like back breaking work, but Dallas insist on carrying two sacks at a time. I was so glad Dallas
and Toni made it to the pit stop first. Next to check in were Ken and Tina with Nick and Starr making up a lot of time ahead of the bumbling idiots of Dumb and Dumber who finishes last, but were saved by a non-elimination round. My guess for the race to the finish, Nick and Starr and Tina and Ken. I really would like Dallas and Toni to win, but I just don't think they are fast enough, but maybe they will have the Luck Gods on their side.-Single D
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