First to leave: Toni & Dallas
Followed by Ken & Tina
Nick & Starr
with Frat boys bringing up the rear and having to catch up after their imposed speed bump. I was almost certain the race for the final three would be the first three teams to leave, with dumb and dumber packing their bags, but that was not to be. It seemed like all teams almost leave at the same time as they all make it to the submarine together. The clue is to race to the park of Fallen Monuments and make a statue count. I knew it when Toni and Dallas arrived and mom told Dallas to do it, I was like why would she let him do it? It seemed like it should have been her turn to do the road block. But like the dutiful son that Dallas is, he didn't disagree with her-huge mistake MOM! First of all, it sounded way to complicated for Dallas's huge hair brain. Of course, Nick didn't have any problems with this road block, in fact the luck Gods were with Nick and Starr this leg of the race.
Not having a smooth time of it was Tina, screeching her way through Moscow. I need a hoodie, I'm going to catch my death, Ken give me your hoodie! I don't think I heard Ken utter one complete sentence during this entire episode. Just Tina screeching in the background. No wonder Ken divorced her! I thought it was funny when Nick and Starr stole Ken and Tina's cab who had the only GPS device in all of Moscow.
I wasn't understanding how it was raining on all the other teams, but where the Frat boys were it was sunny, maybe they were in Southern Russia?
When Dallas finished counting the statues of course he had the wrong number and if it wasn't for Tina giving him the right number, he might have given the wrong number each time and wouldn't have lost their passports and money which eventually cost them the game. So from here on it was semi anti-climatic. Of course frat boys do their speed bump with little flair, although Dan still can't dance a Cassock dance. Yes, you do dance that bad!

No matter, how the edits of this leg, it didn't build any suspense for me. I knew Toni and Dallas were the last. I'm not getting why they just didn't follow the rules and begged for cab money in the first place. They might have made it and you know darn well, their passports were retrieved out of that cab because Mom was not that concerned. I have to give her snaps tho, she remained the calm Mother. I would have been the hysterical Mother, am the hysterical Mother.
I was hoping against hope that maybe four teams would race to the finish, but that was not to be. So bye to Toni and Dallas, they went further that I thought they would. But the team that made the final three by default, the so called "Cinderella team", I would have never guess they would have made it that far. I would laugh my butt off if they did win it, but my money is on Nick and Starr. Next I'm thinking it's on to Alaska, because can't you see Alaska from Russia?-Single D
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