Since I have been on hiatus, I have a few sites to catch you all up on. So with no further ado......
Oak Alley Plantation, Wacherie LA. Used in the movie "Interview with a Vampire" (Brat Pitt was SO yummy!) the plantation was built in 1831 by slave labor. A lady in black is assumed to be Celina, the owner of the plantation, objects moving and empty chairs rocking are some of the reported activity.
J&G get a hit on the thermal cam on the 2nd floor. As J&G are in Celina's room encouraging her to talk to them or sit on the bed to make the depression so many people have seen, Grant sees a shadow by the bed then sees something looking in the window. Grant dashes to the balcony but no one is there. Barry and Joe check out the driveway and see "one of those armadillo things" as Barry says. Obviously they don't have those in Ireland.
Kris W. & Kris G. go to the attic and find a rack of clothes. Kris G thinks this is really cool and decides to look through the clothes. She gets about 1/4 of the way through the rack and both girls get a good scare when a HUGE cockroach disappears down the collar of one of the dresses. EEEEWWW!
J&G return to Celina's room and try to provoke her into responding to them. Jason feels a cold spot so Grant asks her to light the flashlight as Jason demonstrates how to light it. As they talk to her, the flashlight lights up! Jason goes over to the flashlight and finds the light as well as the area around it extremely cold.
The team show the findings to the plantation manager who was excited with the findings. Jason says he would like to come back to determine who is in the house. He says there is some nifty stuff going on but won't say it's haunted.
Theodores in Springfield, MA is the oldest pool hall in North America and where TAPS tech manager, Steve, hangs out and plays in a band. A lot of people have reported hearing voices as well as the sounds of pool being played when no one is in the pool room. Full body apparitions, especially one of a small boy, are also seen. For whatever reason, there is a full human skeleton stored at Theodores. Don't know why that is, just thought I would let you know.
J&G start out in the billiard room and see shadows moving around, hear footsteps and something kept moving the scoring beads.
Kris W & Kris G go to the 5th floor where Kris W starts to provoke the spirits. There is something about a petite girl with a high voice that just doesn't inspire fear. Just kidding Kris, glad you are on the show! Kris G joins in the provocation and gets a cold breeze on her arm.
Steve & Tango go the basement and have a discussion about the word prior. These two have become the comedy relief of TAPS.
While reviewing the tapes, there is a figure on the thermal cam. A voice is caught on tape saying "welcome to Theodores". At least it's a nice spirit!
Leominster, MA, the LeBlanc house. The house is a Victorian mansion that has been turned into 2 apartments. I wan't able to find any pictures since this is a private residence. Oh well! Reports here are of an apparition in the basement, another apparition of a child, knocking sounds and pans rattling in the kitchen. Also the 2nd floor seems to have a lot kids (who aren't there) running around and laughing. At least they are having a good time!

The kitchen has high EMF readings which explains the creepy feelings everyone has there. Steve gets a voice on tape responding to him asking if a door was open or closed, the voice says open. The thermal camera shows something moving in one of the bedrooms and audio tape caught what sounds like someone coughing and wheezing in the basement. During the time of the coughing & wheezing, it was discovered that the basement had once caught fire. Is it haunted? J&G still say that there isn't enough evidence to say that but, there is certainly something going on. Double D
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