I was hoping that the tribes would split one more time. Poor Fang being the underdogs this entire time. Both tribes think the feast signals a merge. Kenny spies a note under a pot but reacts too slowly as Charlie grabs the note and says that there is an hidden
immunity idol and reads the clue. Everyone is afraid to react because as Kenny says, it's like accepting the apple in the Garden of Eden. If you take it you're doomed. Randy reads the clue and uncovers the idol in about 10 seconds. It is offered up like a sacrificial lamb, but no one bites. Marcus and Randy agree that it should be sealed in a bottle and tossed out to sea and with that fling of the arm the idol is set free, while everyone deep down inside was silently screaming, I want it, I want it!Then Jeff announces that the tribes will be split once more, with two new tribes of Kota being Randy, Matty, Sugar, Corinne and Charlie and Fang comprised of Kenny, Crystal, Marcus, Professor Bob and Susie. The real challenge here is how can the Fang survive the odds of 2 against 3 on each of the new tribes? The immunity challenge was how long can one keep their arms up to hold sticks. Crystal once again proves that she is such a weakling. She held it for one second and she's supposed to be some Olympic talent? Everyone pretty much loses it quickly and it's down to Matty and Bob. For an old guy, Bob has gumption. It was pretty gripping to see who would let go first and you could so feel their pain. Matty, whose pole was just inches away from being knocked off, was hooting and acting all deranged, while Bob suffered in silence. Both men's arms were shaking but Bob's post finally fell off and Matty won it for Kota. Back at Fang camp, the discussion is who is going to get voted off as Marcus finds out that Crystal is a cousin to one of his best friends and they both make a promise not to write each other's name down. Crystal however
tells us, the viewing audience, that it's all just game playing so we know she's not keeping her word. Marcus think he has this game all sewn up and tells everyone that it's Kenny that will be going, but he forgot one important thing, that Susie is the swing vote and hasn't he been lobbying to get her out, isn't she Kota's target? When Marcus tells Crystal that Kenny is out, she gets into action and acts like the mother lion to protect one of her own. Crystal tells Susie that she doesn't have a chance if she sides with Marcus, who promised her the final three spot. Crystal says how can that be, since it will be Marcus, Charlie and Corinne at the final three. Drama and suspense surrounded whether Susie would be the sheep or the ram at the tribal council. Crystal and Susie pull off the greatest coup in this season so far by dramatically blindsiding the strongest player this season, Marcus. Wow, that was so good. Marcus failed to see that Susie was his Achilles heel and if he would have been smart, he would have lobbied to get Susie out and have Kenny and Crystal vote his way, but instead he chose to go against Crystal and in the end didn't see it coming. Satisfying TV at it's best, can't wait to see Kota's jaw drop when they see that Marcus was vote off!-Single D
It was feast time with a twist, an immunity idol that everyone wanted but no one claimed so it was sacrificed to the ocean. I'm waiting for it to wash up on shore and someone finding it! After the split it was like old home week when Marcus finds out Crystal is the cousin of his best friend. How can you vote out family? Susie, feeling like the superior swing vote, tells Marcus that she could go either way at tribal but letting him she needs to be in the final three. Good luck with that Susie! She pretty much said she would flip which would make anyone want to vote her out. The challenge is balancing poles on the backs of their hands. I figured Crystal would be a shoe in for this one but before I could finish the comment, out she went. Weak as water! What was her Olympic event? A staring contest? It comes down between Matty and Bob. I was cheering for Matty until he got cocky and started laughing at Bob. Never count out the old dude! Matty came to his senses with a little prodding from Jeff and he out lasted Bob for immunity.
Back at camp, Susie is so confident that Marcus will take her to the final three that she really doesn't listen to Crystal. At tribal, Ken lets loose his frustration at Marcus which doesn't help to keep him off the block but he gets saved when Marcus is sent packing.
Double D
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