The racers leave Bahia House in Delhi, India.
8:55 am-Starr and Nick
9:02-Kelly and Christy-are all their outfits matchy-matchy?
9:10-Dallas and Mom Toni
9:31-Terence and Sarah-hey Sarah those eyeglasses are too small for your face-makes you look like Mr. Magoo's wife.
9:44-Frat boys, Andrew and Dan
& last out of the gate at 9:51-Ken and Tina, still having to do the speed bump for being in last place last leg of the race.
Racers have to find an apartment for their next clue which is to participate in a "Holi Festival". Looks more like a paint ball fight. Here racers have to run through a crowd throwing paint to find a the c
lue hanging on a stand in the middle of chaos. Starr gets through the crowd relatively unscathed, looks like the participants didn't get the hang of it until they spy Nick standing innocently on the sidelines and pelt him with the powder dye. Next Dallas makes a charge through the crowd like a bull in the rink. Once again, Kelly and Christy make the stupid mistake of not reading or maybe not understanding what the clue said and Kelly brings back each ticket whether it was the right one or not. Each time she ran through the crowd she was hit with so much colored dye that she was black with mixed paint. Again she goes back. About after the fifth time, Christy says lets read the clue again. Uh duh! It did make for funny viewing but I did have to feel for the racers getting all that dye in their mouths, yuck! Three words for Kelly and Christy, stupid, stupid, stupid! They were so covered in paint none of the cabs would take them to their next destination. Tina and Ken make quick work of finding the right ticket but not before some one spills green dye onto Tina's hair. She just lost it and I know she wanted to say much harsher words than she did, but she held back. I would be like, your mother's eat beef!

Next it's on to the bird hospital, where funny Terence makes Sarah go into the bird cage and look under th
e sand box for the next clue. Sarah is like I'm so sorry birdies. Everyone had to go through the hospital without their shoes, what walk in India without shoes! Meanwhile, Ken and Tina's speedbump is to serve holy water to the thirsty temple goers. Looked like they gave water to the entire nation of India but managed to finish their speedbump in record time. The detour is either Bleary eyed or Teary eyed. Bleary eyed was to follow the power lines and write down the numbers and Teary eyed was to carry 2- 40lb sacks of chili and then make a chili powder out of the stuff. That did sound teary eyed and only Terence and Sarah chose to do that one. Not only did Terence have paint in his nose, he had chilies up it. That looked like agony! Dallas and Toni have a group of goodwill ambassadors, Indian children helping them find their destinations. How cute!

Starr and Nick and Dallas and Toni team up to find the numbers and make quick work of it, while Andrew and Dan tie with Kelly and Christi as the dumbest teams in history. Dumb and Dumber! They both were looking at the wrong numbers on the power poles and I would have said that Frat boys should leave, but with that stupid mistake at the paint festival, Kelly and Christy deserved to be sent home.
Laugh out loud incidents peppered this episode, like Terence snorting water in his nose to get the paint out, Kelly getting pelted with so much paint, Kelly and Christy getting a cab driver who looked like he was giving them a tour of India and the welcoming committee of one with Phil had to be called back to the mat each time a racer finish because he was more interested in watering the grass. Overall, one of the better episodes, definitely one of the funnier ones. Kelly and Christy make it to the mat last barely being edged out by the Frat boys whom I'm sure will be the next to go. I think Frat boys and Kelly and Christy should hook up after the race, they have a lot in common! Ken and Tina prove their stuff once more and make a strong comeback. -Single D
Nick & Starr get to the festival challenge first where Starr runs through the crowd without getting hit with any dye and climbs the ladder. The crowd, mostly men, gather under the ladder. I think they were just looking up Starr's shorts and forgot to hit her with the dye. Kelly kept grabbing the wrong envelopes. Terence is whining that he got hit in the nose then starts freaking out when they take a pedicab. Is this guy for real? I'll bet he's making his doctor rich!
The next challenge is to follow power lines and write down the numbers or make chili powder. I'm all about the chilis! Terence and Sarah do the chili powder thing with Terence coughing and spluttering the whole time. Ken and Tina make up ground while Kelly and Chris keep losing it and come in last. I'm sure the teams will be more than happy to leave India behind, I know it's not on my short list of places to visit. Double D
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