Why is it that once someone is saved by blinding siding someone else that person takes full credit for it, case in point, the awesome blindside of Marcus by Crystal's persuasive talking to Susie, who turned out to be the swing vote with Kenny taking full credit for that play. In my opinion, Susie single handily change this game. When the tribes meet for the reward challenge, you had to lift the jaws of Corinne and Charlie off the grass. I thought Charlie would weep copious tears for the loss of Marcus and Corinne was just darn mad. She said Marcus deserved to be in this game more that some other people with Kenny challenging her to name names. Ah that would be anyone from the Fang tribe. The reward challenge is a sling shot golf challenge with Randy going head to head with Matty on how to shot the ball. Randy's got some real control issues. It was a pretty close game and I had to crack up when Kenny was holding Susie so she wouldn't lift off the ground when Professor Bob shot the ball. I wanted the underdogs of Kenny and Crystal to win but a couple of loose cannon shots seals their fate and the new Fang tribe with Matty, Corinne, Sugar, Charlie and Randy end up winning the reward. Poor Matty, he sure looked like he needed this one for his body and for his spirit. Fang is met by a very colorful tribe dressed in bold red for lunch. I have to say, that for being tribal in Africa, this tribe of the BWITI village looked perfectly
happy in Eden. Even the children looked happy if not snotty nosed. First each survivor is washed, I'm sure they must really stink and then are treated to a feast and afterward it's a rousing all let loose dance soiree. Randy actually thinks that one of the tribal women is coming on to him, what is he kidding? He's such a jerk. Randy, you're mean, sour, bitter and no woman would want you even if you won a million dollars.

Back at Kota, Kenny catches three fish for Crystal and Susie which makes him feel like a real he- man, bo hunk of the jungle. Professor Bob is chosen to go to exile island by Corinne whose hoping he'll find the idol which he doesn't because Sugar has it. I thought they might plant another one, but the last clue lead to an empty post. Bob gets the idea of making an idol and does a pretty good job of fashioning one out of beads, rocks and wood.
For the immunity challenge it is an individual challenge where Jeff tells the two tribes that they have merged much to the glee of everyone. This individual challenge is to make fire. You would think that Kenny who has been making fire almost everyday would be good at it, but the real contest was between who knew, Sugar and Susie, with Susie winning it. See, I bet in ancient times, it was woman that made fire first! The merged tribe decides to call themselves Nobag that's Gabon backwards as suggested by gamer boy Kenny. The tribe is still split along old tribal sides, with Corinne, Charlie (whose still in mourning for Marcus), Bob and Randy and the other side, Kenny, Crystal, Susie and Matty. It almost seemed like Sugar was going to be the swing vote as each side lobbies to get her to vote their way. Old Kota wants Crystal gone and Kenny trumps up is own personal lame vendetta story to get Charlie out. I can't believe that they would want to get rid of Charlie when Corinne or Randy are the strongest players from Kota. In the end, I was holding my breath to see which way weepy Sugar would vote which proved that her alliance with Fang was still in tact and innocent Charlie was sent into the arms of an awaiting Marcus. Well, at least they will be able to keep each other company at the jury camp which I'm sure is a sweet consolation prize for Charlie. -Single D
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