I'm guessing that John Rich is thinking that the TV audience is having way too much fun with this country jaunt into silliness on his Gone Country show and that now is the time for some serious seriousness to legitimize his show. Wrong! This episode he takes the crew on a jet ride to NY only for them to find themselves once off the plane onto another mode of transportation, a Marine transport, the USS Bataan aircraft carrier. Little do they know they will be performing the songs they picked at random back at the ranch in front of the political likes of then Senator Hillary Clinton and ex-President Bush. Aw crap could be heard the collective sigh from the group. And they thought this was going to be all fun. One high for the singing group however, Tara singing of all things "Coal Miner's Daughter" managed to showcase her unknown until then a pretty good singing voice. Who knew she could really sing? I thought she was there just to look pretty. Shelia E. had the guys in uniform drooling and George Clinton embarrassed himself and John Rich singing and forgetting the lyrics to a Johnny Cash song. Was he sleeping? Er George that is? I can never tell, his eyes are so puffy. Next the group met with the soliders for a little Q & A which managed to get all down, heavy and sad; you know the war thing. Now don't get me wrong. I'm totally behind our guys in the service, it's just that when I watch Gone Country, I want silliness, I want grease pig races, stock car races, country BBQ and to laugh my bony ass off. I want contestants embarrassing themselves, acting silly and doing outrageous things. If I wanted to be sobered up on touching stories and cry in my soup, I would watch the Hallmark Channel. Come on JR, let's get back to the country and let the contestants get their redneck on. Nice touch when Mickey Dolenz was singing and ex-President Bush decides to land his helicopter. What a way to make an entrance. Didn't mother Barbara teach him you only enter a concert between acts? -Single D
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