Monday, March 30, 2009
Amazing Race-Ah Phuket!
Racers leave Jaipur India for Phuket, Thailand (say it with me it's Poo Ket).
First to leave Tammy and Victor at 10:21 am
10:50 Mike and Mel
11:02 Kisha and Jen
11:03 Margie and Luke
11:04 Cara and Jamie
11:11 Mike and Mark
All teams make the same plane to Thailand where they have to find a statue of a gorilla. All racers except Mike and Mel head for the zoo. Mike and Mel's taxi driver tells them that it is at the beach? Huh? A costly and fatal mistake.
Teams make it to the zoo and find the statue where the clue bids them to pose with a tiger and get a toe tap from an elephant.
Can I just stop right here? Amazing Race shame on you! Shame on you for promoting and supporting caged animals for the sake of entertainment. I have always been against animals for entertainment, animal abusement.
To put myself through college in San Diego, I worked in the production department of Sea World. Yes, I shared a dressing room with a crazed chimpanzee who used to throw his feces at me while I changed into my costume inside a volcano in the Dolphin Lagoon Show. From there I would run to my next gig which would be the sound effects for the Shamu show or for the Penguin show. Shamu would do 18 shows back to back in the summer. So on days when he just didn't feel like performing, he would get angry with his trainers and nose dive them to the bottom of the tank. Penguins would stop being cute, get depressed and die. Monkeys would just get crazy.
Yes that crazed chimp which shared my dressing room, he was just rebelling because he knew that when he saw me, it meant he would have to don water skis and be pulled around the volcano by dolphins, which I'm sure he hated an
d I'm not sure he was all that crazy about being in the water either. So ever since that summer job, I always hated animals in cages and even more so for those animals that are just for public entertainment. Sure Sea World does and continues to save aquatic marine animals and educate the public, but at what cost?
So I was terribly dismayed to see that beautiful tiger chained at the neck, whose sole purpose is to pose with tourist. No wonder the trainer only had one arm. Good for the tiger I say. The elephants made to squat over the races and pat their butts wasn't any better. I am appalled and totally outraged that the producers supported such a stunt. SHAME ON YOU! Amazing Race shows us the wonders of this world, it should also show respect for the animals that share this planet as well!
The next stop was to a herb shop to find their next clue. I had to laugh at Cara and Jaime whose patience with all things human is wearing thin. Cara's like, I'm so glad I'm leaving India, with all the honking and speaking in a foreign language, dud! They were the first ones at the herb shop, but the last ones to leave because every drawer they pointed to, the kind old Thai man kept pointing to the wrong one. I think he purposely did that, hey itchiness gets you no where!
Detour: 100 barrels or 2 miles
I'd do the barrels, but only Kisha and Jen and Mel and Mike (after they finally made it to the zoo) did the barrels which was definitely the easier one. I know what the heat is like in Asia, humidity and heat not a good combination, so the rickshaw ride was had to be the harder and hotter stunt. Mike and Mark make quick work of it and race to the finish first, but only to find out that the stunt Mike pulled at the rickshaw station where he tampered with all the bike pumps and the fact that they had their taxi driver lead the way cost them a one hour penalty, making them lose out on a Hawaiian vacation and a third place finish. One word-dumb!
Margie and Luke placed fourth and mom collapses but not before she says I need water only to fall on deaf (literally) ears, because Phil was too interested in signing to Luke "You are the fourth team to arrive!" and with that Margie faints. Ok Phil, we know you know how to sign that, now will someone get her some water! Mike and Mel's taxi ride to the beach instead of the zoo lead to a last place finish and elimination, go ahead Mel just say it, ah Phuket!-Single D

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