With the release of the dvd, Twilight, I told my daughter she could have a sleepover with her best friend and watch Twilight. Of course I wanted to see it too, but I didn't want to horn in tweenie night. The girls were so excited to see it they could hardly wait until dark. I inflated the aerobed, brought down blankets and pillows, baked cookies and popped pop corn and dimmed the lights (I'm such a good mother!). I did sneak a peek every now and then to see how the movie was going and if it was too gory or stuff, which the consensus was no. After the movie my daughter complained that it wasn't as good as the book to that I responded that books are usually better than the movies. The next morning, the girls were watching it again, not quite as good in the daylight. That evening after dinner, I sat down to watch it with my daughter (her third time). Ok, one complaint, why do the dvd's have to be shown on wide screen. The entire movie, I watched people with their heads cutoff, and believe me the entire movie was shot up close and personal on people's faces. Kirsten Stewart looks like a young Debra Winger. What ever happened to her? She just up and disappeared after "The Sheltering Sky". Great book, lousy movie. Kirsten is lovely playing Bella, the displaced teen in love with a vampire. She has a natural look that the camera loves. Robert Pattinson, playing Edward wears a little too much lipstick. Nothing like kissing a guy that wears more makeup than you. Both characters play their roles in a brooding, moody, wooden, somber manner, not a laugh or hysterical outburst from either of them. I think the mannequin fairly sprinkled some fairy dust and gave the department store dummies the night off.
It was interesting to watch the movie with my daughter, we could exchange such things as that's exactly the way I pictured him and stuff. Charlie's house's is really cute, but not exactly what I pictured and Charlie is way too young in the movie. I pictured Charlie older, heavy (he's a cop after all) and white hair. Now why would Bella's mom want to divorce him? I imagined Jacob a Lou Diamond Phillips type, but instead he's more like the lovable puppy next door. I can't imagine him morphing into a werewolf, he's more like a black lab.
The movie ran pretty close to the book and 700 pages makes the movie move with lightening speed. Twilight definitely left the door open for a sequel, but I think if they were smart, they would just head to Breaking Dawn and be done with it. Why bother with New Moon and Eclipse when all the audience wants to see is the relationship between Bella and Edward and tweenies or not, that's all I want to see too.-Single D
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