At first I thought when all the bachelors first stepped out of the limo, I thought a bus of Chippendale dancers let off. Now on closer inspection, I'm thinking, nah. Let's take stock of Jillian's front runners.
Wes, would be singing cowboy. Why do women fall for men who sing? My sister-in-law had a thing (still does) for guys wielding a guitar, never mind that they're married or otherwise involved. What chance does a groupie have? Can't tell what agenda Wes has yet, but he definitely ranks up there in bad boy stratosphere right along side anger control issues of David, the trucker, who told Jillian that he's used to being numero uno. Yeah right, maybe by force or fist. He's a take no prisoners kind of guy and if Jillian likes to be control then that's the guy for her, but it looks more like "Sleeping with the Enemy". Sure Juan may rub him the wrong way, but in my book I think Juan is just on the show to prove to his mama that he ain't gay. Come on Juan, it's ok, come out of the closet. I'm thinking David feels so threaten by Juan because he's probably subconsciously has his gay-dar pointing at Juan and doesn't know it.
Kiptyn's ok, if you like greasy looking guys, and he's going to lose his hair real fast. Ok, I know I'm shallow, I like hair, I can't help it (that's about the only thing going for my husband, just kidding dear!). Speaking of hair, Mike's best assets are those thick shiny locks but ease up on the hair gel dude. Girls like natural. Have yet to see a charming side to him, wait! yes we did in a black speedo! How could I forget! And Tanner, why is she keeping him around, that foot fetish thing, gads, he was practically salivating touching her feet and thinking what he would do to them if the cameras were off. Yuck, perv! Keep your fetishes to yourself. My bet is still for Jake, the pilot. Is he just too good to be true or what?
Poor Sasha, being sent home, he might of had potential. So what if he said his heart was never broken, I think Jillian did just that by sending him home. Right after Sasha told Jillian that story of his car crash which he barely survived, Jillian was moved to tears. Ok, now goodbye. That was cold! I still hear my daughter in the background saying, Sasha is a girl's name! And you're not going to tell me that Ed wasn't scared shitless having to repel down a high rise in downtown L.A. No way, no how, not for anyone, would I do that! Well not for someone, but maybe for money? Robby showed his sweet side during the cowboy video and certainly deserved to stay. I loved the brokeback scene between the two Mikes, that was totally funny, too bad it wasn't Juan playing that part. Tanner F and too wet behind the ears, Brad were sent home. Hopefully David and Juan will stay on for a few more episodes, otherwise, this season could be a sleeper.-Single D
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