Ok, I'll admit it, I have seen a few episodes of "Get Me Out of Here, I'm a Celebrity", but just by accident for the lack of something mind stimulating on TV (ya right). I haven't watched it with any regularity, but when I do catch it, it's like slowing down for an accident. You just can't help being a lookie loo. When I first heard of it, the name Sanjaya caught my attention, you know that borderline can't carry a tune, Mohawk sporting ex idol contestant wannabe, was going to be on it. Sanjaya
a celebrity? Who knew? And who were all those other people? Ok, I do recognize Janice Dickinson, you just can't miss that foul, loud obnoxious mouth and Lou Diamond Phillips of "La Bamba" fame. Lou Diamond's head on the show looks more and more ETish, in a endearing sort of way but his body, well hubba hubba, that's not ET for sure. It is pumped up and brawny, looks like he pumps iron (do they still call it that?) in his spare time, so that's what D-listers do after the fame, either that or he's spent time in prison. Looks like the celebrities start out fairly fresh as they make their way to their camp in Costa Rica which looks more like a stage Hollywood setting. Are they really in the jungle of Costa Rica? Come on, they're on some back lot stage right, with a Starbucks right around the corner. With each episode the celebrities are becoming more and more cruddy, dirty and primitive. One night I happened on it to see the camp in night vision and there is Janice squatting in front of her cot. What is she doing? She's looking over here and over there. I'm thinking maybe she's trying to steal someone's food or boots or something, but then she gets up and goes back to bed. The next day, Lou comes to camp with a note from the producers that tells the celebrities not to pee in camp as it attracts rats and rats attract snakes. Oh no she wasn't, peeing on TV? She is so gross! As Lou says the cameras are rolling 24/7, uh dud! And the way she piggies the food with her mouth stuff she goes back for more, gee ya think she was an orphan (I know because I do that, and I was previously orphaned). And why is her face always so shiny, is that night creme or humidity? Just accentuates that awful plastic surgery.

No one knows or cares about Heidi and Spencer. Reality check Spencer, you are not the world's greatest celebrity. What are you famous for again?
Well if you happened to catch it, it might be some good mindless entertainment, from Janice peeing to a Steven Baldwin baptismal of Spencer, it's just plain fun.-Single D
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