For Michael the break dancer (I'm wondering what is he going to be when he grows up?) it's a one on one date as they zip line through the mountains. One thing, Jillian screams like a squealing piglet. Squeak, squeak. I just don't see those two together, h
e's way too immature for her. She needs a MAN! Dinner is in a wine cellar where the wine guy, you know the sommelier says he's going to teach them how to saber. Mike's like he's going to teach us how to fight? Ok he can be witty, but I just don't want someone whose personality is closer to my eleven year old daughter, brat man. During dinner, Mike tries and does displays his softer serious side and to which Jillian rewards by giving him a rose. The group date is snowmobiling. Now that looked like fun. Another junior brat man is Robby who quickly volunteers to ride with Jillian. Yep, he got it right when Jillian chose to drive, she's got way more testoster
one than he does. Wes finally admits on camera, are you watching this Jillian? that sure he admits that appearing on TV will help his career, but clearly Jillian loves the bad boy. Aw come on Jillian, don't ya see Wes is someone so self centered, that if they were making love, Wes would probably be staring at the cover of his own CD or at his own reflection in the mirror thinking, damn, I'm hot!

Kiptynite sure looked better in his knit cap, but during their alone time, looked like Jillian had one too many drinks, she was all giggly and silly.
And then there's big, goofy, lovable lab, Ed telling Jillian, that he was on a conference call w/his boss and was given the ultimatum, either the show or your job. Now wait a minute, didn't I hear somewhere that everyone is isolated from outside communications? So how was it that Ed was on a conference call and didn't he tell them that this whole bachelor thing might last more than just a few weeks? He's not telling us the whole story, he probably wanted out thinking that he 1-was not attracted to her and it was a big waste of his time or that 2-he had a confidence problem and didn't stand a chance with the other guys. Either way, somethings rotten in Whistler. But Jillian being Jillian, is like, well, that's too bad, but it's all about me so here's a rose for some encouragement. She didn't care one drop that he might lose his job (if that was the case), she cried weepy tears because she was thinking why are all the guys leaving me am I not worthy? (Maybe she knew something we didn't?) Jillian cried so much in this episode, she was almost to the point of being grossly snotty and pathetic, I'm thinking Shannon here!
Jesse, the wine maker gets the other one on one date to a glacier, which was totally awesome. I like the initials in the snow. That was truly romantic. So since big, lovable lab, Ed left it was only one was being dismissed at the rose ceremony, which unfortunately was not Wes. He should have been eliminated just for wearing that hideous tweed looking jacket. What was that thing? Looked like he stole it off a homeless person. In the end, it was Mark that was given his walking papers. He didn't seem too upset, she should have gotten rid of him before she let Mike go. I guess with Mark, she knew his frozen personality would be too hard to thaw.-Single D
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